A year after Haiti's request, the UN Security Council approved sending a foreign security mission to the Caribbean state

To help fight the gangs committing violent acts that have largely swept the capital, Port-au-Prince.


Edited  by |ANNA sam


South America  section -  CJ journalist


October,3,2023 - Port-au-Prince


The 15-member council adopted a resolution drafted by the United States and Ecuador allowing the so-called Security Support mission

Multinational" to take all necessary measures", which refers to the use of force. The resolution also calls on the Support mission to

"Adoption of appropriate wastewater management".

China and Russia abstained from the vote, fearing that this would constitute a mandate for the comprehensive use of force under Chapter VII of

The founding charter of the United Nations. The remaining members voted to approve the resolution.

The Security Council also extended a U. N. arms embargo to all gangs, a measure it wanted

In China. Haitian officials have said that the weapons used by the gangs are believed to be mostly imported from the states

United States. Previously, the ban applied only to specific individuals.

The response to Haiti's request for assistance was delayed due to the difficulty of finding a state willing to lead a security assistance mission. Kenya pledged to

In July, a thousand policemen were deployed. The Bahamas also pledged to deploy 150 personnel, while Jamaica and Antigua and Barbuda also expressed

Willingness to help.

It is noteworthy that the UN peacekeeping forces began their mission in Haiti, between 2004 and 2017, however, according to reports

The official caused the introduction of cholera into theThis country, which led to the spread of the epidemic, claiming the lives of more than 10 thousand people. This is exacerbated by

The atmosphere of pessimism in Haiti about external interventions contributed to the opposition to sending another force under the UN banner.


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