Web Site and Application Terms and Conditions of Use

These Terms of use are effective since November 1, 2012 please read these TERMS OF USE carefully
before accessing or using any part of the site “Castel Journal”. The following “Terms and Conditions”
govern your using of this web site or application provided to you by Castle Journal Ltd.
So to permit to use the site” Castle Journal”Newspaper , it will be only on the condition that you accept all of the
terms and conditions contained in this terms of use.
If for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to agree to all our terms of use, please immediately stop
using or attempting to use the site because if you continue, you will be agreeing to everything in our
terms of use and will have the same responsibilities.
Terms of Using of the Website
1- Reader must be at least 12 years old
2- Editor or reporters who post to Castle Journal must be at least 18 years old
3- You agree not to use, upload, submit, transmit or launch any form of virus, worm, Trojan horse,
automated system, or other malicious code, including without limitation, “robots”, “spiders” or “offline
4- You agree not to conduct or promote any illegal activities; upload content, distribute or print
anything that may be harmful to minors; upload content, distribute or print anything that violates the
terms of this Agreement.
5- We cannot always anticipate technical or other operational outages which may result in loss of data,
personalization settings or other services.
6- You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for the accuracy and content of User
7- Do not impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent your affiliation with any other person or
8- Do not use the Web Site or the Web Site’s services in violation of any applicable law
9- Do not use the Web Site in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the
Web Site or interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of the Web Site or any of its services.
10- It is important to remember that comments must be submitted first from the team work of Castle
Journal, we have all the right to approve to delete it. But we confirm that we do not change in any of its

If You Post Content to Castle Journal, You:
May you want to post content that you create or have been given permission to post by the owner;
you must understand that it must be legal, and doesn’t violate the TOS.
You are responsible for content that you post to our services and assume all risks of posting personal
information online.
You can continue to own the content you post but CASTLE JOURNAL has the license to use and
distribute your content.
We believe that we have all the right to review your post “ Articles “ only ,or change its title, or delete
some paragraphs if these are not go with the policy of Castle Journal newspaper. Even we have the right
to reject and disapprove your post if doesn’t go with our policies.
Castle Journal gives a chance for student or new editors to practice their hobby in writing but we do
not give salaries or pay for writing. Who likes to work with us must know he will take great experience as
well his name will invade world of press release, but she also will work as a volunteer.
Reporter or editor who sends more reports of news, more video and new photos has its privacy, his
report will add the head page. Later he can be chosen to be main editor with salary.
Be guarantee that we respect your pen but you also must respect the others issue, never write for
hatred or spreading rumors and wrong news, user who commit this will be banned at once without a

Third Party Web Sites.
You may be able to link from the Web Site to third party web sites and third party web sites may link to
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done at your own risk and you assume all responsibilities and consequences resulting from such
Thanks for your cooperation

Castle Journal Newspaper

castle journal - British company for Journalism Production Ltd.Licience 10575

United Kingdom -London

25 Warwick St.- Coventry-CV5 6ET


PhD/Abeer Almadawy





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Castle Journal Group