Despite the announcement by the new president of Peru Dina bolarte of her intention to submit a bill to bring the date of the general elections closer from 2026 to April 2024, protests continued in Peru

Five demonstrators were killed during the demonstrations, bringing the death toll of the protests over the past 36 hours to seven, according to the authorities.

A source in the Office of Republican mediator Ileana rivular said: "We have recorded seven deaths" since Sunday, when these protests intensified over the dismissal of President Pedro Castillo by parliament and the appointment of his deputy polarte in his place.

The fifth fatality occurred, according to the same source, in Arequipa (South), the country's second largest city, when the police intervened to expel hundreds of protesters from the tarmac of the airport, where they set up barricades in which they set fires. The first two deaths in these protests occurred on Sunday in Apurimac.

The protesters are demanding boluarte's resignation, new elections and the release of the former president, who was arrested after his removal.

Bolarte, who was vice president until she assumed the presidency on the seventh of December after parliament impeached President Pedro Castillo, also declared a state of emergency in the areas experiencing the most protests.

The scale of the protests spread throughout the country, especially in the cities of the North and the Andes Mountains.

Bolarte on Saturday formed a government composed of independents and technocrats headed by former attorney general Pedro anguloa.

On Monday, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and Bolivia, the four countries with leftist governments in power, expressed their support for the ousted president.

The four countries said in a joint statement that the deposed president, since coming to power in 2021, has been the victim of a "hostile and anti-democratic"movement.

Lima's political community initially did not support Castillo, a former teacher in the countryside and the head of a union far from the elites, while he has received support in the Andean regions since his election in 2021.


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