The White House condemned the investigations aimed at impeaching the US president, and said that their motives are political, after Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, and the leader of the Republicans in the House of Representatives, said that he supports the start of impeachment proceedings against Biden, and the Republicans supported him.


edited by |Jus Mcmahon


North America  section -  CJ journalist


Washington - - September,12,2023


"House Republicans investigated the president for nine months and found no evidence of any wrongdoing," said Ian Sams, a spokesman for the White House, via the "X"platform.

While McCarthy told Congress," I ask a House committee to begin formal impeachment proceedings "against Biden, noting that the Democratic president" lied " to the American people about his son's controversial actions abroad.

Since Tuesday morning, there have been reports in the US media that McCarthy has moved to inform lawmakers in the house that there is enough evidence to officially approve the four-month-old investigation into the family and impeachment of US President Joe Biden.

This is part of a legal effort to gain access to bank records and other documents belonging to the president and his son Hunter Biden. The Republican-led investigation into the US President's family has not revealed evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden or any ties between him as a father and his son Hunter Biden's foreign trade deals.

For his part, McCarthy claimed that new data was emerging every day, talking about Joe Biden's use of pseudonyms in his emails, when he was US Vice President Barack Obama.

It is not clear if there are enough votes inside the Republican Party Congress (218 votes) to impeach the US president, but members of the same party say that there are not enough signs to move in the direction of impeachment.

It is feared that opening accountability within the investigations will complicate efforts to pass appropriations and prevent a government shutdown, while Republican members of the House say they will not vote on the funding bill to avoid a shutdown without an investigation.

In addition, McCarthy faced threats to dismiss him from his post as Speaker of the House of Representatives. This idea was hinted at by Representative Matt GATS two days ago, saying that he might push for a vote to oust McCarthy, if he rejected the impeachment investigations, and that he would work for this with Democrats if necessary.



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