He is the oldest president of the United States ever, his level of popular acceptance is low and he is in his forties. There are doubts about whether Joe Biden, who is now 80 years old, will run for a new term.

 Edited by| Tony Wild

North America section - CJ journalist

USA – April,9,2023

    Those close to him insist that the launch of his 2024 campaign is imminent, but the president himself does not seem to have decided on it definitively yet.

And while polls show that the majority of Democrats want the party to nominate someone else, there is a high probability that they will not compete with Biden if he runs.

The list includes two long-time candidates who have already launched their campaigns for the 2024 elections and many others who could do it too.

1-Marianne Williamson

Self-help expert Marianne Williamson was the first Democrat to jump into the 2024 presidential race, with an official campaign launch in March.

Williamson, who is 70 years old, is a long-time social justice activist, a bestselling author, and a former"spiritual adviser" to Oprah Winfrey and entered the world of politics in 2020.

Williamson stunned the audience with an enthusiastic performance at two Democratic primary debates, where she declared that the only way to defeat Donald Trump was to "harness a love for political purposes".

The marginal candidate ended that campaign before voting began but remained a prominent voice of the progressive left.

Her political platform for the 2024 elections includes ensuring universal government-run healthcare, and free childcare, allocating at least a trillion dollars for slavery reparations to black Americans, and establishing a federal agency called the Department of Peace.


2 - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 

Anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has filed his paperwork to run for the White House and will launch his campaign later this April.

Robert, 69, is the nephew of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy and the son of slain U.S. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy and is at least the twelfth member of the Kennedy dynasty to run for political office.

The environmental lawyer has long been acclaimed for his campaigning in defense of the water system, including work on cleaning up the Hudson River in New York. But many of his family members abandoned and abandoned him because of what they call his promotion of "baseless" conspiracy theories about vaccines.

Kennedy's doubts about the vaccine long predated the emergence of Covid-19, but he possessed a new audience for it during the pandemic, when the revenues of the anti-vaccine non-profit organization he founded in 2011 doubled.

Repeated tragedies of the family of the late US President John F. Kennedy

 3-Kamala Harris

Perhaps no one should benefit more from the stepping down of an aging president than his 58-year-old vice president Kamala Harris.

The former prosecutor who served as attorney general of California and as the youngest U.S. senator, broke barriers in 2020 as she was the first woman, the first black woman, and the first Asian American vice president in the history of the United States.

In November 2021, she briefly served as acting president for 85 minutes, which is when President Joe Biden underwent a colonoscopy - but she may be as close as she can get to the Oval Office.

Harris is considered less popular than the president and much negative news spread around her for several months.

Since taking office, she has been entrusted with some of the most difficult items of the administration's portfolio, including the influx of migrants at the southern border of the United States. The staff working in her office changed constantly and the embarrassing lapses and mistakes that occurred in her public view aggravated her negativity.

But the vice president's supporters insist that she has been subjected to unfair smear campaigns motivated by misogyny and sexism, and the White House has recently stepped-up efforts to respond to these attacks.

4-California Governor Gavin Newsom

If Vice President Kamala Harris was once a candidate to succeed Biden, there is another politician in California - Governor Gavin Newsom - who is consistently getting the most buzz nowadays.

The 55-year-old Newsom first came to national attention when he granted permission for same-sex marriage as mayor of San Francisco in 2004, breaking state law.

As a pioneer of wine production and trade, he was elected governor of his state in 2018 and has established himself as a progressive bulwark against the conservative Trump administration.

He won praise for his resolute leadership at the beginning of the covid pandemic, but after cameras caught him at a dinner in violation of covid rules that he was issuing himself, there was an attempt to remove him from office as governor in 2021 by Republicans before the end of his term.

After all, after the Republicans ' failed bid, the governor easily won a second term last year.

Behind Newsom stands a tractor army of donors and a large election machine, and he has drawn attention to his future ambitions recently, by fighting battles at the national level, from launching his ads in Republican-controlled states such as Florida and Texas to criticizing his party for its weakness in communicating its voice to the public.

 5-Bernie Sanders

If Biden's age worries voters, then the candidacy of Bernie Sanders, an 81-year-old congressman from Vermont, may be illogical for many.

But many voters still see this veteran politician as the standard-bearer of the rising American left.

Sanders, an independent senator who votes with the Democrats, almost defeated Hillary Clinton, who had weight in the Democratic Party, during the internal elections to win the party's nomination in 2016.

After placing second again in 2020 behind Biden, the self-described "democratic socialist" Sanders has worked since then to influence the administration's policy and has achieved modest results.

But his message that Democrats are not doing everything they can to convince young and working-class voters to vote for them still resonates, and his supporters may hope that his candidacy for the White House a third time will be successful.

US elections 2020: leftist Bernie Sanders seeks to win the representation of Democrats


Other possible candidates

6 - J. B. Pritzker

The New York Times recently called the billionaire owner of the Hyatt hotel chain Pritzker, 58, an "emergency" candidate.

He has a strong political machine, a progressive record as governor of Illinois, and a strong political instinct.

7-Phil Murphy

The 65-year-old, the director at Goldman Sachs, the former US ambassador to Germany, and the governor of New Jersey yearns for a higher position, but says that he "supports Biden 1000 percent".

8-Amy Klobuchar

The 62-year-old senator, from Minnesota, had recently dropped out of the 2020 presidential race and was a key Democratic mediator in the Senate during the Biden administration.

 9- Elizabeth Warren

One of the first figures to enter the presidential race in 2020 and who quickly warmed up her star, the 73-year-old Massachusetts senator represented the voice of women voters outraged by the nullification of abortion rights in the United States.

10-Cory Booker

Another in the 2020 presidential race, the 53-year-old black New Jersey senator won praise last year for his emotional speech during which he wiped away tears during his historic celebration of the arrival of the first black female justice of the Supreme Court.

 11-Pete Buttigieg

The 41-year-old gay mayor from a small Indiana town made an unexpectedly strong bid in the 2020 race, but he was heavily criticized in his current position as Minister of Transportation.

 12-Gretchen Whitmire (51 years old)

There was a conspiracy to kidnap her while she was governor of Michigan, and then she was re-elected last year and won a series of big victories.

13-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Known to a large number of her fans as "AOC", she is the youngest woman to ever reach Congress and will turn 35 years old before the election date in 2024, which is the minimum age for the country's president in the United States.

In each primary, observers predict that former First Lady Michelle Obama or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (who twice failed in presidential elections) will join the presidential race as well, but although they are popular with Democratic voters, they have not confirmed this speculation. In fact, Michelle Obama recently said that this question is the last thing she wishes to be asked.

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