Riots broke out throughout France as a result of the murder of 17-year-old Nahel M. on June 27, by a policeman


Edited by| Hugh Gey


Europe  section -  CJ journalist


Paris –July,4,2023


The most affected area in Neuilly-sur-Marne was an area called Les vovets, where the Public Library and shops were burned down

And the supermarket is here, and Les fauvets is home to many hooligans themselves.

But the actions of individual policemen, such as the officer who is now facing a charge of premeditated murder for shooting the adult NAHL from

Turning 17 last week, is only half the story.

The other half concerns the divisions that these events reveal within France.

And public donations to the family of that officer exceeded one million euros on Monday - significantly surpassing the amount raised

For the NAHL family.

Zartoshti Bakhtiari, mayor of Neuilly-sur-Marne, said that hooligans in France "do not fear Justice."

Zartoshti Bakhtiari says that he has not slept for more than three hours a night since the riots began in France a week ago.

In the daytime, he practices his job as mayor of Neuilly-sur-Marne, in one of the poorest regions of France, east of Paris.

At night, he patrols the streets with dozens of employees and members of the city council until 04: 00 or

05: 00 at dawn, to serve as an early warning system for the police against the rioters there.

"Within days, we were in hell,"he said.

Bakhtiari is heading, on Tuesday, to the Elysee Palace with more than 200 other mayors to discuss the crisis with the French President

Emmanuel Macron.

He calls on the state to be"more strict" and to allow the local city police to use drones to monitor activity

In the city.

"What is happening now is the result of years of weakness on the part of politicians, pending decisions that have not yet been made, it's a problem," he says

Related to power because hooligans are not afraid of justice, they may go to court, but return home hours later

Few are being prosecuted simply because we don't have enough places in prisons, and in this Paris neighborhood, we can't afford this kind

From the weakness of the state".


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