Violent clashes and riots break out in the Georgian capital city Tbilisi which witnessed a huge protest against the foreign agent's bill.

Edited by | Anna Sam
9, March 2023- Tlibisi
world news section -CJ journalist

    The protests which started on Wednesday across the capital city used violence during the demonstration and threw various items at riot police and the police used flash-bang grenades in its turn. Water jets and tear gas were used later.

the riots broke out in Tbilisi on Wednesday afternoon. Hours later, opposition politician Georgy Vashadze urged the protesters to block the entrances to the parliament building to prevent the legislators from arriving for the session due on Thursday.

On Tuesday, the Georgian parliament adopted in the first reading the Georgian version of the bill on foreign agents. In parallel with the parliament’s meeting, thousands of protesters against the bill gathered outside. Tensions soared when the legislators voted for this bill. Riot police used tear gas and water cannons. At night the security forces forced the protesters out of the territory adjoining the parliament building.


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