Governor of Primorsky Territory, Oleg Kozhemyako said the army is fabricating new drones for military use in Ukraine

edited by | Anna Sam
world section CJ editor
Moscow - Russia -12- Feb.- 2023

Source (Sputnik)

     Russia ran tests of new aircraft-type drones with vertical takeoff, for the Russian army's usage during its military operation in Ukraine, according to the declaration of Governor " Oleg Kozhemyako " in Primorsky Territory in the country's Far East.

"Test flights of a new drone have begun. Primorsky Territory's engineers have created an aircraft-type UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle] with vertical takeoff.
Such mechanism significantly expands the device's capabilities," the governor said on Telegram.

In late January, regional authorities announced that mass production of drones for the needs of the special operation had begun in Primorsky Territory.
Each drone, which weighs 1.5 kilograms (3 pounds), has a mechanism for dropping cargo at the enemy's deployment site. Manufacturers are ready to produce up to 30 such units per month, the authorities specified.


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