The military coup in Niger announced its intention to try president Mohamed Bazoum on charges of “high treason” and”undermining the security” of the country.


Edited by| Paul Mitchel


Politic section -  CJ journalist




In a statement read on national television, Colonel Major Amadou Abdelrahman, a member of the coup Military Council, said that “the Nigerian government has so far collected evidence to prosecute the deposed president and his local and foreign partners before the competent national and international bodies on charges of high treason and undermining Niger's internal and external security”.

This came as the military regime in Niger condemned the sanctions of the economic community of West African States (ECOWAS), which he said were “illegal, inhuman and unprofessional”.

In the statement, Colonel Amadou Abdelrahman said:”the people of Niger are deeply affected by the illegal, inhuman and degrading sanctions imposed by the economic community of West African States (ECOWAS), which go as far as depriving the country even of medicines, food and electricity supply.

The mediation delegation consisting of Nigerian clerics announced on Sunday, the day after its visit to Niamey, that the ruling military regime in Niger since the military coup informed it of its readiness to resolve the crisis through diplomatic channels.

Sheikh Bala Lau said in a statement that the leader of the putschists, General Abdul Rahman Tiani, informed him that “his door is open to discuss the path of diplomacy and peace in order to resolve” the crisis.

The religious delegation is carrying out this mediation with the approval of the president of Nigeria, Bola Tinubu, who currently holds the rotating presidency of the economic community of West African States (ECOWAS).

ECOWAS agreed to activate its “reserve force” in preparation for its deployment in Niger to restore constitutional order, without disclosing a specific timetable for intervention, but on Saturday canceled an emergency meeting on the coup that overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum.


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