There are spectra of life that attracts us every day to it in order to get closer to the truth and realise the importance of our humanity. We realise the value of time that refines us with a lot of experiences.

The beautiful memories that a person can achieve during the course of his life could make him rediscover himself, especially if his fate makes him just a suitcase, traveling between cities.

Ramzy is a youthful man, used to travel among the world’s cities . His hobby of travelling comes from his desire to discover himself.

The destiny, as usual, interfered and validated his heartbeat and his first and last love on the wings of two cities.The Egyptian man stood reflecting on what his life has been and how he lived it on the outskirts of the cities. Memories glowed in his heart and tears swung at his eyeballs. What a cruel and exciting life this was!

He could not break through the walls of cities and conquer their hearts, but he also did not leave them and moved away. Cities to him were the souls deep inside which hides all the secrets, milestones, signs of happiness and  sadness. Here he opened his book of memories.

It started with his birthplace, the first city, Alexandria, Egypt .

This city that has the charming ability to engrave love, beauty and fun in hearts, although it is the three-thousand-year-old ancient city, created by and named after Alexander the great. Also called The Bride of the Mediterranean, its golden sands carry the stories of lovers. The waves of the azure sea compete with the power of the sky over youth and beauty.

Time disappears and while one is in her heart it is as if one has entered a cosmic galaxy that’s millions of years away from the Earth. For it by itself is the whole globe, the sea, the mountains, the sky, the white sand, the paintings of art that share life . On Alexandria's face hung messages of love and peace, how many poems were written about this ancient harmony between the guests of yesterday and today.

The sea brought about and the ships presented her guests as crowned kings coming from Cyprus, Athens, Rome and Marseille. They were not sailors but lovers enchanted by her Lighthouse, and on her shore they settled and in her neighbourhoods raised the architecture of art and beauty .

Alexandria stood in front of their tender givings and decided to reward them naming her streets with theirs.

then young Egyptian stood looking for his shadow in her details and discovered that he carries all the memories of those who were coming to her from all the cities.Then he continued to search for the origin of his soul.

Now Ramzy is approaching the age of thirty and the bell rang to depart the city of his birth for Cairo,The Queen of Arabic culture, art, love and diversity. It is not only the capital of Egypt, but the throne of the homeland’s glories. Don’t think that the Nile, which lies in its heart, is a coincidence, but it is the pride of its greatest history that recorded Cairo’s life.

The Egyptian friend spent the rest of his life between Cairo and Giza where the greatest world wonders are ( the pyramids). His life seemed exciting compared to his childhood in Alexandria; he noticed how the days passed quickly for him and how he has become a wise man now exceeding forty, and how the cities have aged with him.

Ramzy still continues his daily tradition, to walk beside the Nile and think about its secret. Suddenly, amidst his crowded life, an invitation to visit the far east; China, Shanghai has reached to him.

He found the trip to China a golden opportunity to revive his existence. He had always dreamt of living an adventure with love, he wished his eyes could absorb all the pictures and all the colours to intensify his imagination. As if it’s a grand theatrical show, the curtains opened, then the artists dazzled the audience with their great performance.

At the first glance, he did not believe that Shanghai would be his new place of birth. It is a unique treasure of beauty and creativity; as he went on indulging the city, he collected memories as if they’re pearls stacked on each other in a necklace.

Shanghai is where the skyscrapers rise and race the mountains with her splendor. As he pondered around each crevice of her neighbourhoods and streets, he witnessed the blending of adoration and beauty in her nature.

He did not feel estranged or lonely. The hospitality and kindness offered made him feel as if he had not left Alexandria, as if he was among members of his own family.

The beautiful Shanghai has succeeded to embrace him by using the power of modern technology of its bustling world and the authentic antiquity of its culture.

Ramzy’s heart swole with love for life. He has amassed thousands of photos and wonderful memories that have extended his life thousands of years bringing together Shanghai and Alexandria and how much they’re alike despite the distances and differences.

Life and age are not measured by a clock’s hands, nor the numbers of days and years, but rather by the immortality of memories and the feelings of love that remain in one’s mind.

Ramzy said to himself: ‘Alexandria and Shanghai merged my childhood and youth. Each one has extended my roots by planting me in their ground. I am a human being ..Yes.

 This is my identity that Shanghai enlightened me with long after Alexandria has insinuated though I didn't notice. Oh, how much I'm grateful to have found who I am.’


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