Continuing the series of updates and adjustments that are currently being made to the social media platform Twitter, the popular platform has imposed some new limits for users to read tweets.


Edited by| Hugh Gey


Technology  section -  CJ journalist


World – July,2,2023


The American billionaire and former CEO of the platform, Elon Musk, announced in a tweet that Twitter will apply some temporary restrictions on reading tweets in order to counter artificial intelligence that steals user data and manipulates the system.

Musk explained in detail how these restrictions will be imposed, starting with verified account holders, who will be able to read a maximum of six thousand posts per day, while unverified account holders, who will face severe repression in reading tweets, will be able to read 600 posts per day, while newly registered users who have not been verified will face stricter restrictions by reading only 300 posts per day.

In another tweet, he confirmed that the maximum number of readable posts will be increased to 8 thousand posts for verified accounts, 800 for owners of non-verified accounts, and 400 for new users.

This announcement came after many users complained that the tweets on the main page were not updated, thinking that this was a malfunction faced by Twitter.

It is worth mentioning that this step comes after Elon Musk announced that the global platform imposed restrictions on non-registrants, as they could not see tweets and publications only after registration, and this step is also to preserve various user information and data that companies withdraw to exploit them for their benefit, which affected users.

Musk did not mention the companies that are stealing data, but he had previously expressed his displeasure with Microsoft's illegal use of user data, and threatened that it was time to file a lawsuit against bad companies.


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