Newdelhi- India
was written by|PhD.abeer Almadawy
During his official visit to India according to the invitation of PM Modi, to be the honorable visitor for the country who participate in the celebration of the national day.
Mr. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi visits the mausoleum of Mahatma Gandhi and lays a wreath on his grave.
Speech of the President of the Republic
In the VIP visitor's book when visiting Gandhi's shrine in New Delhi).
"In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
I am pleased to express my sincere pride in visiting the tomb of the late Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi, who constituted a milestone in human history by embodying the principles and values of justice, peace, equality, and non-violence, as well as his courageous patriotic stances and unconditional bias towards the option of peaceful resistance.
The whole world needs to be inspired by these lofty principles that contributed to the unity and renaissance of the Indian nation, and to which we believe and adhere in Egypt throughout different eras and times. Egypt and India are bound by common cultural and historical ties, and they are similar in their firm commitment to spreading security, peace, and stability and supporting development, prosperity, and urbanization efforts.


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