Edited by|Fancis Alberto

18-Jan.-2023 - Davos- Siwzerland

  Microsoft Mesh s a new innovation in the world of technology that can create a new movement of life

This week in Davos, Switzerland, attendees of the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting could use the Microsoft mesh and plunge into the ocean, fly over coastal environments, and visit global food marketplaces to engage on worldwide challenges such as marine ecosystem protection, coastal erosion, and sustainable energy transition—all without stepping on an airplane or donning a scuba mask.

Microsoft Mesh enables them to collaborate, present, and shared immersive experiences from anywhere, on any device—whether that’s a virtual reality headset, PC, or mobile device—and regardless of where you are physically located.

Through the partnership with Microsoft, Accenture, and the World Economic Forum (the Forum), could demonstrate the Global Collaboration Village (GCV) and used a metaverse experience built using Microsoft Mesh.

 Global Collaboration Village which is briefed as"GCV", used the  Microsoft Mesh for the participants of the Davos Forum from government and corporate entities to collaborate on solutions to the biggest challenges facing our world, without the limitations of physical location or constraints of the real world. Working with the Forum and Accenture as part of the Microsoft Mesh early adopter program, we are using this opportunity to learn, listen to feedback, and improve the product ahead of bringing Mesh capabilities to a broader set of customers and partners.



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