As the cop27 climate summit kicks off in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh , in the presence of many world leaders and climate activists, the envoy of the president of the cop27 Youth Climate Conference, Umniah Al-Omrani, considered that "climate change is the biggest disaster affecting human health at the moment, which requires urgent action and the application of adaptation plans to the negative effects of greenhouse gas emissions".

It is expected that during the conference, which will be held from November 6 to 18, Cairo will focus on urgent priority issues on the African continent, especially and developing countries in general, such as climate-related adaptation and financing issues.

"The African continent is the most affected by climate change, despite being the least emitting country,"Omnia Al-Omrani said.

"Egypt, during its presidency of the 27th UN climate change summit, will be a voice for African countries to clarify the extent of the suffering of these countries and the need to support them in implementing adaptation plans to the adverse effects of climate change,"she continued.

According to international reports, the African continent's contributions to greenhouse gas emissions are the lowest in the world, not exceeding 3 percent.

Studies on the consequences of climate change indicate that countries such as Tunisia, Comoros, Guinea, Gambia, Nigeria, Togo, Benin, Congo and Tanzania are "at high risk by 2050, due to coastal erosion and sea level rise".

The envoy of the president of the Youth Climate Conference explained that "cop27 will focus mainly on plans to reduce carbon emissions and switch to renewable energy, implement solutions for adaptation and countering the effects of climate change, while providing funding to developing countries to implement their domestic plans".

She added: "Egypt will work during the presidency of the next conference to achieve the dream of African countries by talking about their rights, for the first time in the history of the conference, The Voice of Africa will be heard significantly".

Major countries have already pledged to donate USD 100 billion annually to developing countries by 2020 to help them adapt to climate change, but these pledges have not been implemented significantly on the ground over the past two years.

African Ministers Meeting in Cairo ahead of the climate summit criticised the lack of support, which they said had "resulted in the continent benefiting from less than 5.5 percent of global climate finance".

According to the African Development Bank, "the African continent is losing between 5 and 15 percent of per capita economic growth due to the consequences of climate change, and faces a significant shortage of climate finance".

"There is an influential role for young people during the climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, provided that a special Youth Day will be allocated at the conference, which includes dialogue with leaders, government officials and international bodies effectively, to reach solutions and understandings on climate change applied on the ground, considering that young people are the most affected by these changes in the coming years,"Al-Omrani said.

She stressed that she is working to ensure that "young people have an active role during the discussions at the climate summit, enabling them to work to support adaptation to climate change".

The presidency of the "cup 27" conference devoted days to young people, aimed at involving them in high-priority issues, as an opportunity to have dialogues with high-level climate action champions and various stakeholders, to present their success stories and efforts in combating climate change, and to present young people their visions, proposals and ideas.


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