"Chat GBT ChatGPT" has become one of the most famous tools used now around the world, it is a technology powered by artificial intelligence, to produce written content similar to ordinary human writing, and virtually indistinguishable from manual content.


Edited by |Alexander Yaxina


Technology  section -  CJ journalist


World – July,2,2023


Although this has raised concerns about copying and cheating in academic matters and college research, some have expressed admiration about the possibility of using the tool in a range of advanced industries such as marketing content creation.

But before resorting to marketing for him, there are some basic things, which must be taken into account to achieve the best result.

The email marketing system lacks accuracy, but it compensates for this with the absolute speed with which it provides its services, which draws the attention of businessmen in the first place, to consider the program as a useful marketing tool, which can be used in several things to benefit and save time.

When you think about how effective Chat GPT is in terms of completing various tasks related to your work, an enthusiastic energy is generated inside you that makes you use the program, and rely on it completely.

But the program should initially be used in ways that are consistent with the mission and strategy of the business you want to complete, and to use chatgpt in the marketing process, you should follow the following tips:


1-attention to the search for very specific things

In your marketing plan, you may start thinking about specific use cases for the chatgpt tool, such as finding out some weaknesses in the marketing plan, attracting visitors for the first time on your website, but you are experiencing a high visitor bounce rate.

In that case, the chatgpt tool helps you to improve this. By adding an AI-powered bot on your site, you can ensure that users interact with the bot, whose responses cannot be distinguished from those of a customer service specialist, which ensures that the client stays on the site for as long as possible, solving the problem of a high bounce rate.

ChatGPT can be used for many other things such as:

* Formulate keywords and search engine optimization terms.

* Generate posts on social networking sites.

* Writing blog posts and articles on the internet.

* Produce scripts for video or podcast content.

In order to get a better result from the tool, the texts generated by the tool can be used and rechecked, and then used very efficiently.


2-search for new AI-powered tools with ChatGPT

When using the ChatGPT tool, you don't have to invent something from the beginning, but all you have to do is look for other ways, to make the tool adapt to marketing content creation plans, for example: the company "notion" has developed a tool called WriteGPT, in order to create custom emails for the target audience.

For this, you can simply insert the recipient's website into the tool to create content that speaks the same language as him, using frequently used phrases and vocabulary, what can divert the course of correspondence and make it in another direction.

The Hubble tool is useful for collecting continuous customer feedback and comments for any company, in order to learn more about the needs of the target market and weaknesses, and work on them in the future marketing plan.

And this is just the beginning, the talk about the impact of the AI revolution will not end, which creates enormous needs that developers of these tools need to work on to present to the world.

And the best that marketers can do, prepare and search for enhanced products for their marketing strategies, refine the methods used in some cases, think about actively using the tools instead of doing everything separately.


3-Stay away from inventing uses that do not exist

If you don't find uses for anything related to artificial intelligence in your own field, then simply don't use it, because it may be a failed attempt to use ChatGPT that negatively affects your business.

And you should know that today customers are very sensitive to fraud and theft, and manipulative marketing methods may lead to counterproductive results that are not useful in marketing.

Also, you should familiarize yourself with the way chatgpt works now, and keep in mind that the ideas that appear on it are very similar, it displays the same marketing ideas to more than one person, so you should take care of improving the results you get from that tool.

With the intensification of competition in the field of artificial intelligence, Google's Bard has emerged as a strong competitor to chatgpt, and other competing tools are expected to appear in the coming period, from giant technology companies.


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