The “godfather of artificial intelligence", Jeff Hinton, has warned of the dangers of the exciting technology just weeks after quitting his job at Google.


edited by |Jus Mcmahon


Technology  section -  CJ journalist


New York -  May,30,2023


In a recent interview with NPR, Hinton said that there is a “serious danger that things will become smarter than us fairly soon, and that these things may get poorly motivated and take over”.

He stressed that politicians and industry leaders need to think about what needs to be done, regarding this issue at the moment.

He said: "it's no longer science fiction. Technological progress is a serious problem that is likely to appear very soon, " he said.

He believes that the world may not be far from general artificial intelligence, which has the ability to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can perform.

He warned, referring to his previous belief, that reaching this level will not be 30 to 50 years ago, that we may be much closer. Maybe only 5 years later.

While some people compared chatbots like” Chatgpt "from" OpenAI " to autocomplete, Hinton said that artificial intelligence was trained to understand – and it is.

“I'm not saying he's conscious, I'm not denying it either,”he added.

“They can certainly think and they can certainly understand things,”he continued. "And some people through the sensitive medium”.

He said that he was “annoyed” by how clever The PaLM model from Google was, noting that he understood the jokes and why they were funny.

With the launch of such artificial intelligence, concerns about job substitution, political disputes and the spread of misinformation due to artificial intelligence come.

While some leaders – including Elon Mas, who has his own share in the field of artificial intelligence – signed an open letter "to immediately stop for at least 6 months the training of more powerful AI systems such as GPT-4," Hinton does not think it is possible to stop the research.

“The search will take place in China if it does not happen here,”he explained.

He highlighted that there will be many benefits to artificial intelligence and stressed that leaders need to put a lot of resources and efforts to see if it is possible to “maintain control even when they are smarter than us”.


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