The Space Telescope "Webb" has not found any evidence of the existence of an atmosphere around one of the seven rocky planets, which is about the size of the Earth and orbits in the orbit of a nearby star.


Edited by| Paul Mitchel

 Space   section -  CJ journalist

 March 27, 2023



     Scientists said on Monday that" this does not bode well " for the rest of the planets in this solar system, some of which are located in locations very suitable for the existence of water and possibly life.

The team led by the US space agency "NASA" reported little data on the absence of an atmosphere around the innermost planet in the dwarf star system (TRAPPIST-1), Forty light-years away.

The researchers used a special technique aimed at a warm planet like this one, and the results were published on Monday in the journal "Nature".

Professor Thomas Green, an astrophysicist in the Department of space science and astrobiology at NASA's Ames Research Center and leader of the study team, said that the absence of an atmosphere means there is no water or protection from cosmic rays.

As for the other planets orbiting the dwarf star TRAPPIST-1, "I would have been more optimistic about the existence of the atmosphere of other planets," Green said in an email.

Green noted that since this innermost planet is bombarded by solar radiation - four times as often as the Earth gets from our Sun - the extra energy is probably the reason for the absence of an atmosphere.

The study team plans to record further observations and observations not only of this planet but of other planets in the TRAPPIST system.

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