In an event that is not repeated every year, the world is on a date this year with 4 giant moons, one of which is the "blue moon"

A supermoon is a rare and impressive lunar event, which you will glimpse only a few times a year, a combination of two different astronomical influences, namely when a new or full moon coincides with the "lunar perihelion point", the closest point of the moon to the Earth in its monthly orbit.

When it happens, the sky is filled with a bright and large moon, which will dazzle anyone who stares at it.

The moon must approach 90 percent of its closest distance from the earth, to be officially defined as a supermoon.

This means that the moon needs to approach a distance of 224,865 miles from the Earth, and to be a full moon.

According to the British newspaper "Sun", the world will be on a date with 4 giant moons during 2023, on the following dates :

July 3: Pak Moon

August 1: Sturgeon Moon

August 30: blue moon

September 29: Harvest Moon

The supermoon on August 30th happens to be a blue moon, which is a rare occurrence.

It happens when you get the second full moon in a calendar month.

The moon has nothing to do with blue (as is the case with the name), but it is exciting.

The blue moon (blue moon) occurs every two or 3 years.

In rare cases, a thinner moon can recur twice a year, such as in 2018 and 2037.


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