While it was passing the Earth on October 13 , NASA's Lucy spacecraft, which was sent to a group of asteroids near Jupiter, took a picture of the Earth and the moon, showing the vast space between us and the moon, and the image shows that it is difficult to identify the moon.

And not many spacecraft have this perspective of the Earth and the moon , which is 238.855 miles from Earth, and on a cosmic scale, this is not very far, but you can put 30 terrestrial planets in this space. That is why it took the Apollo astronauts three days to get to the moon.

NASA's new lunar rocket, dubbed the "Space Launch System", is scheduled to spend 25 days traveling to the moon, swing in a wide rotation around it, and then return to Earth. In short, we say: it's far

Marina Koren, a writer covering space topics at The Atlantic, had trouble spotting the Moon also in the photo.

She wrote on Twitter:"every time I think I see it, and then I end up wiping another dust particle from my screen. Where is he؟". Well, he's here. You still don't see it Let's increase the brightness.

The Lucy spacecraft was swinging close to the Earth for an additional thrust towards Jupiter, pushing itself towards the outer solar system with the force of our planet's gravity.


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