Brasilia-January 22, 2023

Amazon forests are the first line of Defense for reducing

The aggravation of the effects of the stages of climate change, which we are living with accelerating, in light of the inaction of most countries of the world to develop serious and binding international response plans to it.

The Amazon forest is of existential importance for maintaining global climate stability , given its vast area stretching across 8 countries on the South American continent, covering an area of billions of square kilometers, within the Amazon River Basin, the second longest river in the world, also known as the "lungs of the Earth" because it produces more than 20 percent of the oxygen in the world.

As the global climate change crisis worsens, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's recent call for South American countries that share the Amazon forest to unite efforts to protect the main resource to combat the worsening phenomenon of climate change, according to environmental experts, is an initiative worthy of international support.

Lula da Silva stressed that addressing the climate issue"is necessary for the preservation of the human race on the planet, and the responsibility lies with everyone".

He pledged to stop deforestation of the Amazon, revealing his quest to create a federal police that works more aggressively to protect forests, and that "the commitment is to reach zero deforestation, in the Amazon, by 2030. I will follow it with fire and sword".

He confirmed the work on organizing a meeting with the leaders of Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia and French Guiana “so that we can discuss a continental policy to preserve the Amazon region".

Former Brazilian President Bolsonaro, an ally of agribusinesses, provoked international outrage during his four years in power, because of the outbreak of fires in the Amazon and systematic deforestation. Under Bolsonaro, the average annual deforestation rate increased by 59.5% compared to the previous four years and by 75.5% over the previous decade, according to government figures.

Experts say that the destruction is mainly due to people seizing land and removing trees from it to make it suitable for agriculture and cattle breeding.

Of the eight countries sharing the Amazon, Brazil is the one with the most recorded fires, according to the Brazilian climate observatory and the National Institute for Space Research, which was especially suspicious in light of the former President's positions underestimating the importance of the Amazon and failing to protect its forests.

The continental plan is a bold step by Brazil after the return of da Silva for the third time to the presidency of Brazil, who is known for his environmental policies and orientations in support of climate agreements, combating global warming, protecting biodiversity and natural balance.

To make this plan a success, Brazil needs the concerted efforts of 8 countries within the Amazon basin, independent of the influences and interests of industrial companies and influential financial power centers, which are contrary to the world's interest in saving the Amazon forests.

It is also necessary to involve the indigenous Amazonian villagers in the task of defending and protecting the lungs of the world, because of their experience and familiarity with the terrain of the place.

International and international organizations and institutions should also support this continental plan aimed at curbing greedy stakeholders and capitalists in the Amazon, at the expense of the world's environmental security.

If these efforts falter and abuses continue to disrupt the balance of the Amazon environment, it is very likely that the world will lose these rainforests in just the next 30 years.


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