Israeli national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir was born in Jerusalem on the sixth of May

 1976, his father, who was born in Iraqi Kurdistan, worked in a gasoline company and also

 practiced writing, while his mother was active in the "military national organization"

 founded in 1931, and participated in aggressive operations against Palestinians.


edited by |Jus Mcmahon


Humanity  section -  CJ journalist


Middle East – November ,7,2023


Although he comes from a non-religious family, with parents of Iraqi Kurdish origins, Ben-

Ghafir does not take off the Jewish Hood since childhood, and believes in the teachings of

 Rabbi Meir Kahana against the presence of Arabs on the land of Jews, and the demand to

 rebuild the temple.

Ben-Gvir, a lawyer and political activist, is known for belonging to the extreme right, he is

 the head of the "Jewish greatness" faction and a member of the Israeli Knesset, and also

 participated several times in attempts to storm the Al-Aqsa mosque because he believes

 that it was built on top of the structure, which should be rebuilt.

Ben-Gvir is the father of five children and is married to Ayala Nimrodi, he says about her,

 "she is the Orthodox branch of the clan," and his family lives in the settlement of "Kiryat

 Arba" in the city of Hebron in the West Bank.

Since the outbreak of the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip between the Israeli army and Hamas

 on the seventh of October, Ben-Gvir's statements have further inflamed hatred towards

 Arabs in Israel, as he is a follower of Kahane, who called for the expulsion of all Arabs from

 the "Promised Land" of the Jews and the rebuilding of the temple.

After Hamas launched the "Al-Aqsa deluge" operation inside Israeli cities, Ben-Gvir

 demanded from the Knesset National Security Committee to facilitate the acquisition and

 carrying of weapons for Israelis, and said, "take up arms, it will save your lives".

The minister of national security also announced new restrictions on security prisoners, in a

 step aimed at making their living conditions worse, and with the approval of judicial adviser

 Gali Baharav-Meara, "the restrictions will make the living quarters of prisoners more

 crowded," according to a statement issued by Ben-Gvir's office.

In addition, the far-right minister announced that the beds will be removed from the cells of

 Palestinian prisoners and replaced with mattresses, noting that this measure will allow

 prisons to accommodate a larger number of prisoners, including new prisoners from the

 militants captured by Israel after the "Al-Aqsa flood"operation.

Itamar Ben-Gvir was 14 years old when Rabbi Kahana, his spiritual mentor, was killed, he

 joined early to the most extreme extreme right, that is, to the kahanists, and at eighteen

 Ben-Gvir occupied the position of the coordinator of the Kahanist youth, so the army

 exempted him from military service, being a propagandist of subversive ideas and exuding

extraordinary violence.

Ben-Gvir's star began to emerge from the age of nineteen with the flare-up of the conflict

 within Israel over the Oslo Accords, and he recalls that he approached the car of the Israeli

prime minister, at that time, Yitzhak Rabin in front of television cameras and shouted, "We

 got so close to his car, we will get to him too," and weeks later a radical Jew assassinated


Although he still serves as Israel's Minister of national security, Prime Minister Benjamin

 Netanyahu excluded him from meetings with government leaders to discuss the current

 security situation in the context of the ongoing war with Hamas.

In his latest remarks, Ben-Ghafir said in response to the White House proposal for a "tactical

 truce" to bring in aid and release prisoners, that the only thing that must enter Gaza until

 the prisoners are released is "hundreds of tons of explosives".


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