As the Israeli aggression continues, demonstrations in support of the Gaza Strip continue,

 condemning the continuous and intensive Israeli bombardment on the Strip, which has

 caused thousands of deaths, mostly children and women, several cities around the world

 witnessed demonstrations in which thousands participated in solidarity with the

 Palestinians and denouncing the targeting of civilians in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli army.


Edited by |Alexander Yaxina


Humanity  section -  CJ journalist


World - October,31,2023


In Turkey, the events of the large Palestine rally started at Ataturk International Airport on

 Saturday, with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, organized by the Justice

 and Development Party branch in the state.

Many of the participants carried Turkish and Palestinian flags, banners in several languages

 in solidarity with Gaza and Palestine, and others condemning Israeli attacks, while some of

 them wore headbands reading "We are all Palestinians".

In response, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said that Israel had recalled some of its

 diplomatic representatives to Turkey because of the "dangerous statements" made by


"In view of the serious statements made by Turkey, I have ordered the return of diplomatic

 representatives from there in order to conduct a reassessment of relations between Israel

 and Turkey,"Cohen said in a post on the social networking site X.

Hundreds of pro-Palestinians also demonstrated in the French capital Paris and the city of

 Marseille, despite the official decision to ban rallies supporting Gaza and criticizing the war

 on it.

A large force of police prevented the procession of demonstrators from marching from the

 Place du Chatelet in the center of the French capital.

The demonstrators chanted "Gaza, Gaza, Paris is with you"," it is humanity that kills, the

 children of Gaza, the children of Palestine"and"Israel is a murderer with whom (President

 Emmanuel) Macron is complicit".

Among the demonstrators were deputies waving coffins and Palestinian flags, among them

 the Greens MP Aurelian Tachi and the deputy from the radical left-wing father France party

 Jerome Le Gavre.

"The ceasefire is urgent to stop the killing of women, children and men,"said Elsa Toure,

 deputy mayor of Corbeil-Essonne in the centre of the country.

During the demonstration in Paris, comedian Samia orzman held a sign that read "Where

 Has our humanity gone?"".

"It is not right not to call for a ceasefire, and for thousands of civilians to die without anyone

 saying a word,"she said.

"In a country of human rights, we are forbidden to protest," she told AFP.

"In the United States there are thousands of demonstrators demanding a ceasefire, in other

 countries too, and in France this is prohibited,"a protester active in the Fatherland France

 party said in a statement to Agence France-Presse.

An administrative court on Saturday upheld the security ban imposed on the demonstration,

 citing the "serious threat of disturbing public order" amid "escalating tensions related to the

 events in the Gaza Strip with the increasing anti-Semitic acts in France".

As for Sydney, hundreds came out in a demonstration condemning the intensive Israeli

 bombing on Gaza, considering that the Australian government is "an accomplice in the

 massacres" committed in Gaza, the demonstrators raised slogans "Palestine will not die",

 and chanted "Shame, Shame on Israel."

In Brooklyn, the largest district of New York City, thousands of people demonstrated

 expressing their anger at the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip.

New York, home to 1.6 million to two million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Muslims,

 has been witnessing demonstrations and rallies in support of the Palestinians for three

 weeks .

Left-wing American Jewish activists are also voicing their opposition to Israel's war in the

 Gaza Strip. Hundreds of people were arrested on Friday evening during a large pro-

Palestinian sit-in at the "Grand Central" Station in Manhattan.

In the same context, thousands of people demonstrated in London, for the third week in a

 row, in support of the Palestinians and to demand a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

The demonstrators set off from the banks of the Thames towards Parliament Square, not far

 from Big Ben.

More than a thousand policemen were mobilized to secure the demonstration, which was

 organized as Israel continues to bomb the Gaza Strip

TV Producer Dani Naderi, 36, told AFP: "a humanitarian truce is not enough, there must be a

complete ceasefire . It's time to do something instead of further escalation,"he said.

Conservative prime minister Rishi Sunak and opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer are

 currently refusing to call for a ceasefire, and support "truces" to allow humanitarian aid to

 be delivered to the Gaza Strip.

Condemning the Hamas attacks and the shelling of the Israeli army, "which has a much

 larger arsenal," protester Ammar Picha, 31, expressed regret for the"loss of innocent lives"

 and attacked British politicians.

"They are absolutely not qualified to lead this country," he said, adding, "I don't know who I

 will vote for next year.

Teacher Nuri butt, 38, said: "I am disgusted, it doesn't make sense . I don't know how I will

 explain this to my" two-year-old "son when he grows up".


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