In a statement published by the British Guardian, the international NGO "Save the children"

 explained that since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed,

including at least 3,195 in Gaza, and 33 in the West Bank, according to figures from the

 Palestinian Ministry of Health.


Edited by| Christian Megan


Humanity  section -  CJ journalist


Gaza Strip - October,31,2023


The number of children martyred in just three weeks in Gaza is higher than the annual

number of deaths in other armed conflicts worldwide, in more than 20 countries, over the

past three years since 2019, the human rights organization said .

The organization stated that children's martyrs make up 40% of the total martyrs of the war

 on Gaza, and 33% of the total martyrs of various Palestinian territories since the outbreak of

 the last war.

The health authorities in Gaza announced the martyrdom of more than 3 thousand children

 in the Strip, in addition to about a thousand other children missing, since the "Al-Aqsa

flood" operation, carried out by Palestinian factions in the settlements of the Gaza envelope,

 on October 7.

Jason Lee, save the children's regional director for the Palestinian territories, said:"the

 figures are shocking and with the violence continuing and expanding in Gaza now, more

 children are still at serious risk.

"Jason Lee called for a quick ceasefire, saying that every extra day of negotiations, children

 are being martyred and injured while sheltering in UN schools, adding that the international

community should make human beings more important and higher priority than politics.

The organization called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, considering that the

 announcement of the occupation army to launch expanded ground operations in the Strip

 would lead to more martyrs and wounded among civilians.

The regional official of the organization said that a ceasefire is the only way to ensure the

 safety of children, noting that "the international community should put the lives of

 individuals before politics.. Children must be protected at all times, especially when they

 seek safety in schools and hospitals,"he said.

For her part, Adel Khader, regional director of the United Nations Children's fund (UNICEF) in

 the Middle East and North Africa, said that "the killing and maiming of children, their

abduction, attacks on hospitals and schools and the denial of humanitarian aid constitute

 grave violations of children's rights.

"The situation in the Gaza Strip is a growing stain on our collective conscience, and the rate

 of deaths and injuries among children is shocking," Khader said in statements quoted by the

 UN News website.

Doctors at a neonatal intensive care unit in the Israeli-blockaded Palestinian Gaza Strip are

 trying to provide fuel and essential medicines to their young patients, who could die within

 minutes from power cuts to their incubators.

According to MSF, the lack of anesthesia due to the absence of medical equipment means

 amputation of children's organs without pain relief, and the organization confirmed that

 some surgical operations are performed in the Gaza Strip without general anesthesia for

 patients, due to the lack of anesthetic drugs.

"We lack anesthetics, we lack sedatives, we lack opiates, we do a lot of operations with half

 doses of Bing, which is terrible,"said Leo Kanz, head of the MSF mission in charge of the

 Palestinian Territories.

Leo kans added, "a person is not as completely numb as he should be. In some operations

 and sometimes operations are performed without anesthesia, " he said.

"A 10-year-old child, we had to amputate half of his left leg under partial anesthesia, on the

 hospital floor in the corridor because all the operating rooms were full,"Kanz told about an

 operation performed this week on a 10-year-old boy, on whom we had to amputate half of

 his left leg.

He also noted that"a 12-year-old child burned 60% of his body, and his bandages had to be

 changed, the doctors did this only under the influence of paracetamol".


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