Published: 28 October 2023
Three weeks after the outbreak of the Israeli war against Gaza, former French Prime
Minister Dominique de Villepin gave an interview to the private BFM news channel during
which he presented his analysis of what is happening with regard to the ongoing war in Gaza
Edited by| Christian Megan
Politic section - CJ journalist
Paris - October,28,2023
And the profound changes that the region witnessed before these recent events and
considered that what happened in Israel in
October was a trap set by Hamas due to the atrocities committed on that date, saying
"Hamas has set a trap for us ... a trap of terror in the most terrible form and absolute
cruelty, which leads to an escalation of the danger of militarism ... more military
intervention, as if it were possible for the armies, to solve a serious problem like the
Palestinian issue .
The second fundamental trap, the trap of Westernism, is the diminishing of our vision ... us
and Israel ... to the Western vision that is rejected by the majority of the international
community today.
Westernism is the idea that the West, which has managed the affairs of the world for five
centuries, will be able to continue to do so without change, a trend that we clearly see,
including in the discussions of the French political class, which believes that we must
confront what is currently happening in the Middle East, by continuing to fight more
intensely, until we are heading towards
Especially since there is a third trap, which is morality, and here, we see irrefutable evidence
through what is happening in Ukraine and what is happening in the Middle East of these
double standards that are being denounced all over the world.
During my recent trips to Africa, in the Middle East or Latin America, I always face the same
criticism, they tell me (look at the way the civilian population of Gaza is treated, you
condemn what happened in Ukraine, but you are silent in the face of the tragedy taking
place in Gaza ... Do you agree with that?)) I believe that we should be aware of the need to
evaluate every situation.
But we take international law, which is the second criticism that the global south is directing
at us, we punish Russia when it attacks Ukraine, we punish Russia when it does not respect
UN resolutions, but for 70 years UN resolutions have been voted on, in vain, and Israel has
not respected them."
"The West must open its eyes to the scale of the historical tragedy that is taking place in
front of us in order to reach the necessary solutions"
"There is a tragedy October and the spiral to which it can lead us if we do not provide the appropriate answers ... there are atrocities that have been committed and are being
committed but the way to respond is vital ... so do we choose the wrong answers and kill
the future?""
"When we see the trap in front of us, we must realize that the situation behind this trap has
changed in the Middle East, and it has become completely different with regard to the
Palestinian issue ... which was a political and secular issue, while today we are facing an
Islamic issue led by Hamas and, therefore, an absolute issue that does not allow any form of
On the Israeli side, we have seen a change or development in Zionism, which was secular
and political when it was put forward by Theodor Herzl at the end of the nineteenth
century, and today it has become largely biblical messianism, which means that on this side, too, they do not want to compromise.
It is clear that everything that the far-right Israeli government is offering has been limited to
encouraging settlements ... and this does not help any progress, including what it has been
doing since October 7.
"We must realize that in this region we are already facing a problem that seems to be
largely unsolvable, add to this the hardening of countries at the diplomatic level, which is
currently happening, look at the statements of the king of Jordan, which are very different
from his statements six months ago, and let's look at Erdogan's statements in Turkey
"We must pay attention and worry because the Palestinian issue, which has not been put on
the table and has not been highlighted to the extent that most young people today in
Europe have not heard of it before, remains for the Arab peoples the mother of battles."