Days after the end of the battles in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and the surrender of the Armenian forces and the control of Azerbaijan over the territory ،

Azerbaijan took control of the area inhabited by about 120 thousand people of Armenian ethnicity this weekend, it says

She wants to reintegrate them as "equal citizens".


Edited by| Paul Mitchel


Politic section -  CJ journalist


Nagorno-Karabakh- September,24,2023

However, Armenia warned that it could face ethnic cleansing, said that it would help anyone who leaves, but repeatedly said

Again and again the mass exodus will be the fault of the Azerbaijani authorities.

The first group of ethnic Armenians who inhabited Nagorno-Karabakh arrived in Armenia, the first group included

About 40 people, shortly after local officials announced plans to relocate those displaced by the fighting.

In a televised address, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol pashanyan said that many inside the enclave "will see their deportation from the homeland،

The only way out" unless Azerbaijan provides "real living conditions"and" effective mechanisms for protection from ethnic cleansing".

He reiterated that his government was ready to "lovingly welcome our brothers and sisters".

But David Babayan, adviser to the Armenian ethnic leader of Nagorno-Karabakh Samvel Shahramanyan, said that he expects everyone to leave


He said that his people "do not want to live as part of Azerbaijan, 99.9 percent prefer to leave our historical lands".

"The fate of our poor people will go down in history as a disgrace and shame for the Armenian people and the whole civilized world,"Shahramanyan said.

"One day, those responsible for our fate will be held accountable before God for their sins,"he added.

The Nagorno-Karabakh region, the mountainous region of the South Caucasus, is part of Azerbaijan with international recognition, but large areas

The territory was controlled by Armenians for three decades.

The region has the support of Armenia, as well as its ally Russia, which has been deploying hundreds of soldiers there for years.

Five Russian peacekeepers were killed, along with at least 200 Armenians and dozens of Azerbaijani soldiers،

When the Azerbaijani army overran the region earlier this week.

In his televised speech, the Armenian prime minister hinted that Russia has not come to its defense in the conflict, while Russia says

She has provided assistance, but the size of it is unknown.

His statements echoed criticism that Moscow effectively handed over Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan, an accusation that the foreign minister called

The Russian called it "ridiculous".

"Yerevan and Baku have already settled the situation, and it's time," Sergey Lavrov said at the UN General Assembly

To build mutual trust".

 Armenia urged the UN to send a mission to monitor the rights of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, explaining that their very presence

He is now threatened.

Azerbaijan denies this accusation, saying that it wants to reintegrate ethnic Armenian residents of the region as citizens with equal rights to

The country.

Azerbaijan said on Saturday it was working with Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh to disarm Armenian troops،

Which is one of its main demands in exchange for a ceasefire.

Despite the statements of Azerbaijani officials to reassure Armenians, there are constant concerns about the population of Nagorno-Karabakh

Karabakh, where only one batch of aid consisting of 70 tons of food was allowed to pass.

The International Red Cross convoy is the first package to reach the disputed area since Azerbaijan took control of it in

A lightning operation five days ago, after the separatists accepted a ceasefire and agreed to disarm.

Ethnic Armenian leaders say thousands are living without food or shelter, sleeping in basements, school buildings or

Outside of it.

Karabakh officials said that several thousand displaced people from villages who have been separated from their relatives are now sleeping in tents or

In the open air near the airport in the main city of Stepanakert, known as khankendi in Azerbaijan.

"No one is expelling anyone," an Azerbaijani official said, adding: "If we had not taken care of civilians, women and children, we would have entered khankandi


Azerbaijan has expressed its readiness to pardon Karabakh fighters who surrender their weapons and can leave for Armenia if they choose to do so.

Another official said that the army has prepared refugee camps outside Karabakh "ready to receive civilians," but there is a significant amount of

Distrust is on both sides, and many Armenians may not be ready to move.

For its part, Armenia has also set up facilities to accommodate thousands of civilians, but Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that he does not want them to

They leave unless they have to.

US Senator Gary Peters, leading a congressional delegation to the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, said that people in

Nagorno-Karabakh is "very scared," calling for the creation of an international observation mission.

He said: "I think the world needs to know exactly what is happening there . We have heard from the Azerbaijani government that there is nothing

It is a cause for concern, but if so, international observers should be allowed to verify,"he said.

On the other hand, the Azerbaijani Army reviewed the heavy weapons seized in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, they were

Tanks, guns and RPGs, among the weapons that were shown in front of the BBC, after opening the door for journalists.

At the military headquarters in Shusha, near the regional capital, Azerbaijani military officials placed weapons

Which the separatists abandoned.

The weapons seized included what appeared to be a T-72 tank, as well as armored personnel carriers of the

BMP-2, machine guns, assault rifles, armor and mines.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that six armored vehicles, more than 800 rifles and about 5,000 units of ammunition have been delivered so far .


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