After the Algerian state radio reported late yesterday that Algeria rejected a French request to open its airspace to a military operation in Niger, the chief of the defense staff of France denied today that Paris had asked Algeria to use its airspace to carry out a military operation in Niger.


Edited by| Christian Megan


Politic section -  CJ journalist


Paris– August,22,2023


Algeria opposes any foreign military intervention in neighboring Niger and prefers to pursue diplomatic means to restore constitutional order in the West African country, which is located south of the Algerian border, the radio said.

"France is preparing to carry out its threats to the Military Council in Niger regarding a military intervention if President Mohamed Bazoum is not released,"Algerian Radio reported.

"Algeria, which has always been against the use of force, did not respond to the French request to cross Algerian airspace in order to attack Niger, and its response was firm and clear,"she added.

Earlier, the Algerian Foreign Ministry earlier expressed regret for what it called "giving precedence to the military option" in the Niger crisis, stressing that there are still opportunities for a political solution that have not been exhausted, and warning of the danger of military interventions.

The African Union has announced that it has suspended Niger's membership until the return of civilian rule in the country, stressing that it will study the repercussions of any military intervention in the country located in the Sahel region.

The peace and Security Council "requests the AU Commission to study the economic, social and security implications of the deployment of a standby force in Niger and to inform the Council of the results,"the union said. The announcement of the bloc comes amid strong disagreements among its members in this regard.

During a meeting on the" situation in Niger "held on August 14, the peace and Security Council also decided to" immediately suspend the participation of the Republic of Niger in all activities of the African Union, its organs and institutions until the effective restoration of constitutional order in the country, " according to a statement issued on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the economic community of West African States (ECOWAS) rejected a proposal by Niger's ruling military council to hold elections within three years of the July coup, prolonging a political impasse that could lead to military intervention if an agreement is not reached, "the statement said.

"ECOWAS and other international powers are seeking diplomatic solutions to the July 26 coup in Niger, the seventh in West and Central Africa in three years.

But after several attempts at dialogue were rejected, the economic community of West African States (ECOWAS) turned to activating a regional force that military leaders said was ready to deploy if the talks failed. "ECOWAS has adopted a tougher stance towards Niger than neighboring countries controlled by military councils.


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