Foreign Ministry: The continuation of the Renaissance Dam negotiations for 10 years without results is evidence of Ethiopia's intransigence

EDITED BY | Adam Lurkade

Politics section CJ news

12 April 2023

       The Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister for African Affairs, Ambassador Hamdi Loza, denounced the Ethiopian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs' accusation that Egypt "attempted to politicize the Nile water file and the Renaissance Dam."

The Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister stressed, in a statement, that "Egyptian concerns about the repercussions of this project on Egypt's water security are real, and are based on documented scientific studies."

Loza considered that "the continuous Ethiopian claim of Egypt's politicization of the issue of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is an attempt to evade legal responsibility, and disregard the principles of international law and good neighborliness."

He added, "It is unfortunate that Ethiopian officials continue to express their willingness and desire to resume negotiations under the auspices of the African Union, in a new attempt to gain time and continue filling without an agreement."

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs evidenced this with recent statements about "the absolute freedom of Ethiopia to continue filling, without regard for any rights of the two downstream countries," as "another proof of unilateralism outside the scope of negotiation."

Ambassador Hamdi Loza, Deputy Foreign Minister for African Affairs, denounced, on Wednesday, the Ethiopian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs accusing Egypt of attempting to politicize the Nile water file and the Renaissance Dam, stressing that Egyptian concerns about the repercussions of this project on Egypt's water security are real and based on documented scientific studies.

These statements came Deputy Foreign Minister, commenting on the statements of the Ethiopian Minister of State, stressing that the continuation of negotiations for ten years without results is evidence of Ethiopian intransigence. He stressed that the continuous Ethiopian claim of Egypt's politicization of the Renaissance Dam issue is an attempt to evade legal responsibility and disregard the principles of international law and good neighborliness. Ambassador Hamdi Loza added that it is unfortunate that Ethiopian officials continue to express their willingness and desire to resume negotiations under the auspices of the African Union, in a new attempt to gain time and continue filling without an agreement.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs evidenced this by the recent statements about Ethiopia's absolute freedom to continue filling without regard for any rights of the two downstream countries, as another evidence of unilateralism outside the scope of negotiation.

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