Reported by|Anna Sam

Canada - agencies - C J


       Following the crisis sino- US over the fallen Chinese ballon that the USA considered a spy ;

In a media conference on Tuesday, the Chinese FM spokesperson Mao Ning declared that China is keen to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests” over the shooting down of a suspected Chinese balloon by the United States, as relations between the two countries went to the worst recently.

China claimed the ballon was a civilian and used for meteorological research. while the FM spokesman refused to tell the media to who the balloon belongs when he was asked.
' the balloon is “not American”, and Beijing “will continue to defend its legitimate rights and interests".
Mao again criticized the U.S. for overreacting rather than adopting a “calm, professional” manner, and for using force in bringing the balloon down Saturday in the Atlantic Ocean just off the U.S. coast.

The crisis of Sino - USA over the alleged spy balloon prompted U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to cancel a highly-anticipated visit to Beijing this week that had offered slight hopes for an improvement in relations.

the crisis started when the USA has fallen a huge white balloon over its sky, while china for the first time admitted that it belongs to her ...
As in last Monday's press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning confirmed for the first time that a large white balloon transiting Latin American airspace is a Chinese vessel.


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