Washington-United States-January 29, 2023

The day before the meetings that will bring together the US Secretary of State

In a meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and other Egyptian officials to discuss strategic relations, the United States affirmed its stand with Egypt and its people to strengthen regional security and economic resilience, support relations between the two peoples, address the climate crisis, strengthen a defense partnership, and support the Egyptian people in their quest for a prosperous future that protects fundamental freedoms for all.

The US State Department said in a fact sheet published on its website on the occasion of more than a century of diplomatic cooperation and friendship between the two countries

The United States and Egypt are working closely to de-escalate conflicts and promote sustainable peace, including by supporting UN mediation to help hold elections in Libya as soon as possible, and to restore a civilian-led democratic transition in Sudan through the political framework agreement.

Washington and Cairo share an unwavering commitment to a negotiated two - state solution as the only way to a lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and equal measures for the security, prosperity and dignity of Israelis and Palestinians.

The US State Department confirmed its engagement with Egypt, as well as Sudan and Ethiopia, to reach a quick diplomatic decision on the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which protects the interests of the three parties.

There is also a shared commitment between the United States and Egypt to strengthen bilateral economic cooperation for the mutual benefit of the two peoples, including through expanding trade, increasing private sector investment, and cooperation in clean energy and Climate Technology.

As Egypt continues to face the global fallout of the Russia-Ukraine crisis and the resulting food insecurity, the United States commends Egypt for concluding an agreement with the International Monetary Fund on December 16, 2022 as crucial to stabilizing its economy and enabling vital reforms.

The United States and Egypt have committed to establishing a Joint Economic Commission that will strengthen cooperation on all economic and trade issues.

More than 20 thousand Egyptians have participated in US government exchange programs and 450 Egyptians travel to the United States annually in professional and academic exchange programs facilitated by the US embassy in Cairo.

Turning to addressing the climate crisis, the United States welcomed Egypt's continued leadership through the cop27 presidency to accelerate the pace of global ambition and action to address the climate crisis.

The United States and Egypt support the promotion of the "global methane pledge" and the"new energy path", which Egypt has joined to address methane leaks from the oil and gas sector.

Egypt is an important partner in counterterrorism operations, combating human trafficking, and regional security operations that enhance American and Egyptian security, and the defense partnership that has been going on for decades is one of the pillars of regional stability.

The US State Department recalled that the United States and Egypt established diplomatic relations in 1922 in a letter sent by President Warren G. Harding to King Ahmed Fouad.over the past century, this deep partnership has proven its resilience in the face of changing circumstances as Egypt seeks to build a stable and prosperous future that advances the fundamental rights and freedoms of all citizens.

The State Department concluded the fact sheet by saying that the United States firmly believes that important partnerships such as the U.S.-Egypt relationship are stronger when there is a shared commitment to human rights.


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