New Delhi - 25- Jan.-2023

written by| Dr.Abeer Almadawy


During his visit to India to participate in the national day as the VIP visitor to the country,

Mr. President Abdul Fattah Elsisi said a speech in front of the journalists at the Indian Presidential Palace;

Allow me to extend my sincere congratulations to the friendly country of India - government and people - and best wishes for all goodness, security, peace and development, and further progress, and prosperity on the occasion of the celebration of the "Republic Day".
 I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to your friendly country for inviting me to participate as a guest of honor in the celebration of "Republic Day" this year, in which Egypt and India celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the inauguration of diplomatic relations between them, which confirms the special nature of those relations. .
 My current visit to your dear country comes at a time when our bilateral relations are witnessing a remarkable boom in all aspects of cooperation, and it represents an important opportunity to continue consultation and exchange of visions on ways to improve cooperation between our two countries at all levels, as well as to coordinate positions on regional and global issues that have a direct impact on our national security.
Therefore, Egypt and India aspire to achieve common goals in various fields based on the historical ties and the enormous potential enjoyed by the two countries, as well as the determination of the two countries to advance their bilateral relations to the stage of strategic partnership and mutual coordination in various issues and topics of interest to both parties.
thank you very much.


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