Tripoli-Libya-January 22, 2023

Amid the boycott of many member states

Due to differences over the Libyan situation, the Libyan national unity government hosted a meeting of Arab foreign ministers in the capital Tripoli on Sunday

The national unity government headed by Abdel Hamid al-dubaiba is in dispute over the legitimacy of the rule with the Libyan parliament, which formed a parallel government in the east of the country headed by Fathi Pasha and supported by General Khalifa Haftar.

The meeting was attended by the foreign ministers of only five Arab countries out of 22 member states of the league of Arab states.

Representatives of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE were absent from the meeting, which is a preparation for another meeting of Arab foreign ministers in the Egyptian capital Cairo.

Four other countries have reduced their level of representation to the level of Ministers of state, such as Qatar, and the secretary-general of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit has also been absent.

Najla Al-manqoush, foreign minister in the Tripoli government, condemned what she described as "attempts by certain parties to crush the desire of Libyans to turn Arab solidarity into reality".

Libya, which holds the rotating presidency of the Arab League, "is determined to play its role in the Arab League and rejects any attempt to politicize the founding documents of the league,"she said.


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