Moscow-January 16, 2023

In response to the Pledge of Western countries, especially

Britain and Poland sent tanks to Kiev to support it in its war against Russia, the Kremlin promised to"burn" the tanks that Western capitals, especially London and Warsaw, intend to deliver to Ukraine, while up to 7 parades were shot down near the coast of Sevastopol, Crimea.

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, in his daily conference call with the Press, said today that "the special military operation will continue. These tanks are burning and will burn".

He added that the plans of some Western countries, such as the UK and Poland, to send tanks to Ukraine "will not change the situation on the ground. It will only prolong this story".

Britain, France and Warsaw have pledged or expressed readiness to send tanks to Ukraine.

The Kremlin has condemned Western arms supplies to Ukraine.

On the other hand, an official in the Crimea reported that the number of Ukrainian parades shot down on Monday over Sevastopol increased to 7.

The mayor of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhaev, said that today the city's air defense systems and the Black Sea Fleet shot down 7 parades over the city.

On his Telegram page Razvozhaev said: "no facilities were damaged neither in the city nor in the water area. It was noted that all the parades over the sea were shot down,"he said.

He added that Kiev is trying to present this failed offensive as another achievement of the Ukrainian forces. "Kiev writes about explosions in the city and calls for assurances to be sent to it. We assure that no one will send you anything, because the situation in the city is calm,"he said.

The official noted that the Russian military confidently repelled the attack of hostile parades, continuing: "the air situation is being monitored. All the equipment is still ready". He also called on residents of the city to rely only on official information.

Earlier, Razvozhaev reported that 3 parades were shot down over the city.

He wrote on Telegram: "there is a new attack using rallies. Air defense systems shot down a march over the sea that was on its way to Belbek,"he said.

Razvozhaev added: "the situation so far: 3 parades were shot down over the sea. Our troops and air defense systems continue to repel the attack. And we keep calm".

Earlier, local media reported that Ukrainian troops launched their first attack using a March last night and this March was intercepted over the Sevastopol Bay.


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