After the recent Ukrainian counterattack, and as fighting rages in Ukraine, fears grow that Russia could resort to the option of using nuclear weapons in the war that erupted last February.

A report by the British Times said that options for Russian President Vladimir Putin, either accept a humiliating defeat or redouble his pursuit of military victory.

The paper noted that with limited Russian reserve units, the conflict could witness the use of nuclear weapons.

The US President issued a clear warning to his Russian counterpart, on Saturday, when asked whether President Vladimir Putin would resort to nuclear weapons, saying, "Don't do don't do don't do". Biden warned Moscow that the United States would respond as strongly as Russia's actions.

The US President's speech came in response to a question about Putin's possible use of chemical or other tactical nuclear weapons.

"The face of the war has changed unparalleled since World War II," Biden said. "They will become more untouchables in the world than ever before."

The New York Times quoted US officials as saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin might use tactical nuclear weapons, possibly in a parade explosion over the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean or inside Ukrainian territory.

The paper quoted a senior intelligence official as saying that there was an ongoing debate within US intelligence agencies if Putin believed that such a move (use of nuclear weapons) would risk isolating his country from countries that needed it most -- especially China -- or if he retained that option as a precaution.

Turkey is likely to be affected if the strike is carried out near Odessa, the closest point to the Bosphorus, and Eastern and Central Europe is likely to be affected by the frightening event near the border with Poland and Romania.

The Middle East will also be affected indirectly only by rising prices and shortages of grains and other materials and the impact on water and fish supplies across the Black Sea. The Arab world will then be looking for alternatives to resources imported from Russia or Ukraine. Food prices will see a further rise, and the world will be headed for alternatives to wheat and cereals exported from these two countries.

If a full-impact nuclear weapon is used, the effects on the entire world will be extensive and Russia itself will be affected.

Any move to equip and deploy Russian nuclear weapons will also be observed by America's satellites and NATO States.


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