In the latest Israeli attempt to dissuade Western powers from returning to the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran, an Israeli official confirmed that the head of the Israeli intelligence

service Mossad "David Barnaya" would travel to the United States early in September to participate in closed meetings in Congress on talks related to the revival of the Iran nuclear agreement

In Israel's view, the agreement would facilitate the financing of Iranian-backed militants and would not prevent Tehran from developing its nuclear weapon.

Earlier Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Labid had pointed out that Israel's "diplomatic war" against the agreement had involved both the National Security Adviser and the Secretary of Defense holding recent meetings in the United States.

"We are making a concerted effort to make sure Americans and Europeans understand the risks involved in the agreement." He stressed that the 2015 agreement was "not a good deal" and that the wording currently being discussed presented "greater risks."

According to the Israeli Prime Minister, the new nuclear agreement must include an expiration date, be subject to tighter supervision and contribute to "the treatment of Iran's ballistic missile programme and its involvement in terrorism throughout the Middle East".

"We can reach such an agreement if Iran's proven military threat is put on the table, and if the Iranians realize that challenging and deceiving them will cost a high price."

He noted that the Israeli army and the intelligence service had been "instructed to prepare for any scenario".


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