At a joint press conference with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, Serbian President Alexandar Vucic said: "Serbia does not need foreign military bases,

Serbia is a militarily neutral state, it just wants to maintain peace and defend its territory, its people and its population, and it will act as such in the future."

Vucic continued: "We are listening to statements about Serbian military intervention in some entities or countries of the region that, according to them, should have happened five months, four months, three months ago, but not yet, which means they lied, and nobody said anything about this narrative."

Vucic concluded: "The current political situation against Serbia is easy to use and therefore asked NATO to look carefully at the situation in Kosovo and say when and where Serbian forces crossed the administrative line or border, As they say, we need a rational approach, talks, compromise. and not someone's desire to find a solution where someone can blackmail Serbia or order Serbia to behave, and we can only reject fabricated reports ".

Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko said on Wednesday, 17 August, that in the event of another escalation in Kosovo, Belgrade would respond decisively, adding that the situation had so far been calm.

Kharchenko said on air from the "Russia 24" channel: "There is a state of anticipation, not external, that is, everything is completely quiet in the streets and the system is adhered to, but there is preparedness in the minds and the Serbs are ready to defend again, perhaps more decisively, and if Pristina repeats those actions with complicity" Forces for Kosovo "with the West, the Serbian response will be very crucial, and in the event of some kind of violence against Kosovo Serbs Belgrade will stand up for defence and not stand by."

The Head of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), Carolina Zeid, called on Serbia's leadership and the unilaterally declared authorities of the Republic of Kosovo to take a constructive approach to finding a compromise in the forthcoming European union


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