In an evolution of events between Iran and the IAEA, and in a move likely to increase tension with the UN agency, Iran announced that it had removed two IAEA surveillance cameras from one of its nuclear facilities.

Iranian state television said: "To date, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has not only ignored Iran's good faith cooperation, but also considered it a duty. As of today, the relevant authorities have ordered the closure of surveillance cameras for the online enrichment scale ".

Spokesman for the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization, Behrouz Kamalvandi, told State Television: "Iran cannot be cooperative at a time when the IAEA is acting in an irrational manner. We hope that the Agency will come to its senses and respond in cooperation with Iran "

The United States, Britain, Germany and France outraged Iran by submitting a draft resolution to the IAEA Board of Governors, criticizing Iran for not providing satisfactory answers to the Agency's questions about uranium effects in undeclared locations.

The text of the draft resolution, which has not been amended in comparison with a draft distributed last week, is due to be presented at this week's quarterly meeting of the Agency's Board of Governors, where it is also voted on.

A number of diplomats said the draft resolution would be supported "probably easily", despite Iranian warnings of a response and the consequences that could further undermine already stalled talks on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

Since the United States withdrew from the nuclear deal in 2018, under former President Donald Trump, and reimposed sanctions on Iran, Tehran has stepped up uranium enrichment, a process that could produce fuel suitable for making atomic bombs. Iran says that its nuclear programme is "peaceful".

The objective of the talks, which face many difficulties, is to return both Iran and the United States to fully adhere to the Agreement's provisions.


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