In the midst of the ongoing war between Russia, on the one hand, and Ukraine, on the other, the attitude of the American president and his reaction to this war tend to be

one of non - involvement. In a report, the BBC reported several reasons why US President Joe Biden repeatedly failed to send US troops to Ukraine, in the midst of the Russian special military operation.

In her report, the BBC explained: "Biden has made it clear that the Americans are not willing to fight, although the Russians are, moreover, ruling out sending troops to Ukraine to rescue American citizens, if that happens, and he has already withdrawn the troops that were operating in the country as military advisers and observers."

She added: "Why did he draw this red line in the most consequential foreign policy crisis of his presidency?"

According to the BBC report, the reasons for not sending American troops to Ukraine are as follows:

There are no national security interests:

First of all, Ukraine is not in America's neighborhood, it is not on the United States border, it is not hosting a United States military base, it has no strategic oil reserves and it is not a major trading partner.

Biden does not engage in military intervention:

This has to do with President Biden's "non-intrusive" instincts given to him, developed over time, as he supported American military action in the 1990s to deal with ethnic conflicts in the Balkans, voted in favor of the ominous American invasion of Iraq in 2003, but has since become more wary of the use of American military force.

While he opposed Obama's intervention in Libya as well as increased troops in Afghanistan, he firmly defends his order to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan last year despite the chaos that accompanied it and the humanitarian disaster that left it.

3 Americans don't want war either:

A recent AP-NORC poll showed that 72% said the United States should play a secondary role in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, or play no role at all.

They focus on pocket economic issues, particularly high inflation, which Biden must pay attention to as the mid-term elections approach.

In Washington, the crisis devours lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, who demand the most severe sanctions against Russia, but even hard - line, reliable voices like Republican Senator Ted Cruz don't want Biden sending US troops to Ukraine and "starting a war with Russian President Vladimir Putin."

Risk of confrontation between the great Powers:

That's the point - Putin's stockpile of nuclear warheads -- Biden doesn't want to trigger a "global war" by risking a direct clash between US and Russian forces in Ukraine, and he was open to it, the US president told NBC earlier this month: "It's not like we're dealing with a terrorist organization -- we're dealing with one of the largest armies in the world, this is a very difficult situation, and things can get worse quickly."

There are no treaty responsibilities:

There are no treaty obligations that force the United States to take risks, whereas an attack on any NATO country is an attack against everyone. - The founding obligation of Article 5, which requires all members to defend each other - but Ukraine is not a member of NATO, a factor cited by the United States Secretary of State, Anthony Plinkin, to explain why Americans are not struggling for the values they so desperately glorify. "


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