In a statement posted on the Kremlin website, the five nuclear powers, including Russia, China, Britain, the United States and France, said they had agreed to issue a statement on the prevention of nuclear war and the prevention of an arms race.

The five nuclear Powers confirmed that nuclear weapons were not directed against each other or against any other State.

The statement posted on the Kremlin's website read:

The People's Republic of China, the Federal Republic of Russia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States and the French Republic consider it their primary responsibility to prevent war between nuclear-weapon States and reduce strategic risks.

The leaders' statement added: "Resolved to continue to find bilateral and multilateral diplomatic avenues to avoid military confrontation, to promote stability and predictability, to promote mutual understanding and trust, and to prevent an arms race that is not mutually exclusive and becomes a threat to all."

The statement continued: "Uphold our obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, including our commitment to item VI" to negotiate in good faith effective measures to end the nuclear arms race in the near future and nuclear disarmament and disarmament under strict and effective international control. "

In a statement, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the statement of the five nuclear powers was prepared at the Russian initiative.

In a statement issued on its Telegram channel, Russian Foreign Affairs confirmed that Russia expects that the agreement of the leaders of the five nuclear Powers to the Statement on the Prevention of Nuclear War will help ease tensions on the world stage.

The statement read:

In the current difficult conditions of international security, we hope that the approval of such a political statement by the leaders of the nuclear Powers will help reduce international tension, curb the arms race, help build confidence and lay the foundations for the future.

The Press Secretary of President Dmitry Peskov of Russia stressed that the summit of leaders of the "five nuclear States" was also necessary, following their joint statement.


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