Edit: Ahmed Al-Kumi

Jane Psaki, the White House spokeswoman, said today that America is looking into steps with Israel and other countries that need to be taken if the Vienna negotiations on Iran's nuclear program fail.

It is clear that Iran occupies an important place on the agenda of the United States National Security Adviser's visit to the Middle East, but this is not the only subject of the visit.

"We expect ongoing consultations to continue on the threat posed by Iran's nuclear programme and its actions that destabilize the situation in the region and are aimed at supporting terrorists."

The White House spokeswoman continued: "We certainly share the deep concern of our Israeli partners about Iran's continued work on its nuclear programme following the withdrawal of the previous United States administration from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action," noting that United States President Joe Biden had earlier instructed his aides to "prepare a set of scenarios" in coordination with United States partners and allies should talks on Iran's nuclear programme fail.

The White House spokeswoman stressed that "we are discussing this with partners and allies, including Israel and many other States, and we expect this to continue in the light of the fact that negotiations are now stalled."

It should be noted that former US President Donald Trump withdrew in 2018 from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, while his successor, Biden, indicated his willingness to return the US to a nuclear agreement with Tehran.


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