Following the telephone conversation between Russian Presidents Vladimir Putin and Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, today, the Kremlin press office said in a statement: "During

the exchange of views on the settlement in Nagorny Qarah Bagh, satisfaction was expressed with the stabilization of the situation and with the efforts to establish a peaceful life, restore economic relations and transport in the region."

The statement noted that "Russia and France are working on these issues and intend to work simultaneously in the future."

"At Macron's initiative, the Presidents also addressed the situation in Mali," the statement added.

Military operations in the territory of Qarah Bagh, disputed between Armenia and Azerbaijan, were renewed at the end of September 2020; The parties reached a ceasefire agreement, under Russian auspices.

During talks between Russia and Turkey, after the signing of the Ceasefire Agreement in Qarah Bagh, the Ceasefire Monitoring Centre, overseen by the forces of the two countries, was established.

The declaration of a ceasefire provides for the cessation of Armenian and Azerbaijani forces at their present positions; and the deployment of Russian peacekeeping forces along the Qarah Bagh seam line, as well as the corridor between the territory of Armenia and Qarah Bagh.

It is noted that, despite the end of the fighting, the border area continues to experience sporadic incidents between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces; Amid mutual accusations of breaking the ceasefire.


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