Against the backdrop of the war between the Central Government and the Tigray Liberation Front, the Sudanese Foreign Minister issued a statement responding to the accusations made by the Ethiopian Official News Agency against Khartoum.

In its statement, Sudanese Foreign Affairs stated: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Sudan followed with further surprise and surprise the news published by the Ethiopian State radio agency Fana on 9 December 2021, in which it accused the Sudan of supporting the Tigray Liberation Front."

The statement added that the Agency "claimed that the Sudan had sheltered and trained elements of the Tigray People's Liberation Front to confront Ethiopian Government forces."

The Sudanese Foreign Office asserted that "these allegations are arbitrary and contrary to the truth."

It stressed that "the Sudan is fully committed to the principles of good-neighbourliness and non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, and that the statement of the Agency is completely unfounded."

The Sudanese Foreign Affairs called on Ethiopia to stop accusing the Sudan of taking aggressive and unsubstantiated positions and practices on the ground. "

She continued: "It wishes to emphasize that the Sudan controls all its internationally recognized territory and borders with its neighbour Ethiopia, and will never be allowed to use them for any aggression."

Addis Ababa has accused the Sudan at least four times in recent months of claiming the Tigray Liberation Front, which Khartoum has denied, asserting that it is not interfering in Ethiopia's affairs, which have been in war for more than a year.


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