A delegation of the Republican People's Party headed by the Vice-President of the Party arrived in the Iraqi Kurdistan capital city of Erbil and held a series of meetings with political leaders in the province, mainly the leader of the Kurdish Democratic Party, Masood Barzani, and the Chief Minister of the territorial government, Masror Berzani, in extraordinary action by the largest Turkish opposition parties.

The delegation consisted of Deputy Party Chairman Oghuz Salehi, Senior Adviser to Party Chairman Ounal Çevikuz and party leader Nivav Belik, which appeared to be striking, following opinion polls in Turkey indicating that the popularity of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) had declined, in return for the rising popularity of the Republican People People Party.

In such circumstances, the votes of Kurdish voters in Turkey stand out to be crucial in determining the party that will lead Turkey over the coming years.

The observers noted that the visit was contrary to the traditional orientation of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, in particular the Kurdish Democratic Party, the largest party in the region, which had close ties with the AKP and its leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Nor does the visit match the usual choices of the nationalist "Atotic" Republican People's Party (CHP), which had a fiercely routine stance on the Kurdish issue, both inside Turkey and in the ocean.

The official statement issued by the office of PDK leader Masood Barzani after the meeting stated that the Vice-Chairman of the Republican People's Party, Oghoz Salehi, confirmed during the meeting. "The demand for democracy will be an important factor in changing the region, and it is therefore important that pro-democracy forces in the region have friendly relations in the name of justice and progress."It is a sign that the party may take a more advanced agreement than the Kurdish issue within Turkey, and in the region.

According to the same statement, Barzani stressed that "the destiny of the peoples of the region is interdependent, it is best to live together in peace and fraternity to solve their problems and leave aside the language of denial. The best thing for all parties is to learn from past experiences in the service of peace and coexistence among peoples. "

It should be noted that because of Kurdish support, the Republican People's Party was able to win an extraordinary victory at the expense of the AKP in all the major cities of Turkey during the last municipal elections. "

Recent polls in Turkey indicate that the coalition of Turkish opposition forces, headed by the Republican People's Party, is relatively superior to the ruling coalition.

However, neither party can earn 50 percent of the total vote, and they need the votes of the Kurdish bloc in the country, which is estimated to be about 17 percent of the total.


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