During the joint press conference with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Algeria after the conclusion of the meeting in the capital, Algeria,

The Libyan Minister for Foreign Affairs, Njala EL Manqoush , said that, during the meeting of Libyan neighbours, it had been agreed to create a joint mechanism to secure the southern borders with the Sudan, Chad and Niger.

"The message of the meeting was clear: to support Libya, and that's what we saw from the parties involved, we talked about how we could cooperate to develop regional solutions to advance stability in Libya."

It also continued: "Stability of the security of any neighbouring State is a matter of destiny for each State. It is in that spirit that all neighbouring States have shown their willingness to support Libya's stabilization initiative and to participate in the consultative meeting to be held at the end of next month."

She explained: "The southern Libyan neighbours have always been prevented from participating in the efforts to stabilize Libya, even though they are most affected by what is happening.

It noted that "such a convention would secure borders and give more effectiveness to our cooperation on the ground."

Al-Mankosh also asserted that the Libyan Government is "striving with every effort for the timely holding of elections while we await the position of the Parliament on the constitutional rule."

For his part, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Algeria, Ramtan Lamamra, said that the meeting "distinguished itself from previous meetings in terms of the prevailing spirit, one of solidarity and based on the desire to prevail over the proper understanding of the situation in Libya."

He mentioned: "Our role as neighbouring countries must not be underestimated, our voice must be heard. Emphasizing that Libyan affairs are sovereign matters and are the prerogative of Libyans only. "

Lamamra  revealed some of the meeting's output, and said: "It's productive to focus on the role of neighbouring countries. We put ourselves at the disposal of our brothers in Libya. "

He concluded: "From various angles, we consider the meeting to be a success and the presence of President Abdel-Majid Tibon a demonstration of the importance that Algeria attaches to this meeting."


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