The OIC called on the international community to fulfil its collective obligations and to take measures and actions to compel Israel "to abide by its obligations as an occupying Power, including to ensure the protection of the Palestinian population."

Today, at the request of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the virtual extraordinary meeting was held at the level of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to discuss the attacks carried out by Israel in the Palestinian territory.

The final communiqué condemned "in the strongest terms the brutal attacks by Israel, the occupying Power, against the Palestinian people, their land and their holy places."Demand the complete and immediate cessation of all such attacks "against innocent civilians and their property, which constitute grave violations of international law and United Nations resolutions on the question of Palestine"We caution against "continuing such attacks, provocations, incitement to commit them, threatening the lives of innocent civilians, causing them great suffering and increasing the risk of instability with serious implications for security in the region and beyond."

He added: "The Meeting reiterated its rejection and condemnation of the continuing Israeli settlement colonization of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the establishment of a system of apartheid therein, namely through the construction of settlements, the destruction of Palestinian property, the construction of the expansion wall, the confiscation of land, houses and property, and the eviction and forced displacement of Palestinians from their homes and land, stressing" that all these acts constitute grave violations. "

The organization expressed concern "in particular at the accelerated pace of Israel's policy of colonization of the Palestinian Territory, specifically the threat of the forced evacuation of hundreds of Palestinian families from their homes in occupied East Jerusalem, including families in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan, who are facing imminent eviction by extremist colonial groups with the support and support of the Israeli occupation authorities and in cooperation with racist courts."We call for the immediate cessation of all such illegal policies and practices that are contrary to the obligations of occupation under the Charter of the United Nations, the Fourth Geneva Convention, international human rights law and United Nations resolutions.

The final communiqué further stated that "Israel is fully responsible for the deterioration of the situation due to its systematic crimes against the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, specifically the massive barbaric aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip, where the number of casualties and the extensive destruction of basic property and infrastructure due to the barbaric military attacks by the occupying Power is increasing."They stressed the need to provide international protection to the Palestinian people in accordance with international standards of humanitarian law and as called for repeatedly by the United Nations General Assembly.

"The failure of the Security Council to shoulder its responsibilities to address this crisis will make it imperative for the United Nations General Assembly to shoulder its responsibilities, including the resumption of the work of the tenth emergency special session, to halt the Israeli aggression in the occupied Palestinian territory."

He added: "Calls upon the international community as a whole, including the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention, to fulfil their collective obligations and to take measures and actions to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to abide by its obligations as an occupying Power, including by ensuring the protection of the Palestinian population, and stresses that the time has come to take serious measures to hold Israel accountable for its grave violations and to stop its exclusion from the same rules as the rest of the world."

He continued: "Calls upon Member States to provide all forms of support and support to the Palestinian people in order to strengthen their resilience on their territory, and calls for international legal action, through the specialized international tribunals and the various organs of the United Nations, to compel Israel to pay the necessary material and moral compensation for the damage it has done to Palestinian infrastructure and public and private property."


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