Though more than 14 days passed since the shooting of the Chinese ballon, the USA is still worried about the truth of these airspace objects which didn't belong to the Chinese or other countries.

Edited by | Abeer Almadawy
Exclusive section CJ journalist
Feb. 18 -2023 USA

      The USA is still investigating by asking questions about the identity of the airspace objects that were shoot last week over the American sky and why they were flying at a height that posed a risk to air traffic.

US President Joe Biden on Thursday stated about his questionnaires to define the truth of the situation, in which he all but ruled out that the three unidentified objects were part of the Chinese balloon program or that they were a foreign intelligence-gathering effort. Biden confirmed that he will phone the Chinese president to ease the tension between the 2 countries.
but the question still in our minds is, what are these c, that doesn't seem like balloons or airplanes?

Some answers from experts said the objects may be UFOs related to commercial companies, maybe fearing of recognizing themselves as their owner, as One hobbyist group has said a balloon went missing around the time of the shoot-downs.

The tweaking of radars has raised questions on what the administration’s response will be to unknown objects zipping around the sky, considering they may start detecting more of them.





The White House and Pentagon said to the Media that an interagency task force this week to outline how the administration will respond to future UFOs.
But they affirmed that there was a limited amount of information available at the time about the identity of the three objects that were shot.

A Pentagon official on Sunday said they could not rule out extraterrestrial life related to the three objects, a notion the White House refuted a day later. And for a time, so little was known about UFOs that officials could only describe them as “objects” without getting more specific.


The US president on Thursday declared clearly that it is still unknown what the three objects shot down last week were, “nothing right now suggests they were related to China’s spy balloon program or that they were surveillance vehicles from any other country.”

Biden added that he doesn't apologize for shooting down the Chinese balloon. Administration officials have said they were able to predict the balloon’s path and protect sensitive military sites and argued that by waiting to take it down until it was over water, they were able to prevent property damage and injuries.

More details about the three airspace objects which were shot down over Lake Huron in Michigan on Sunday appeared to be octagonal objects, and the one shot down over the waters of Alaska was the size of a small car.
But still the look of the airspace objects still a mystery as the look of the balloons are round while the objects that were discovered were octagons.




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