25- Jan.-2023 - Brussels

Edited by|christian Megan 

       International Atomic Energy Agency chief Rafael Grossi warned the world that Iran could have several nuclear weapons

soon and diplomatic negotiation must start now.
on Tuesday Rafael Grossi, the chef of IAEA said;"
Diplomatic efforts to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon should restart.
Grossi told a European Parliament subcommittee in Brussels on Wednesday that Iran has not yet built a nuclear weapon and the West should redouble efforts to stop it from doing so.

Uranium enriched to more than 90% can be weaponized. Iran has 70 kilograms (154 pounds) of uranium enriched to 60% purity and 1,000 kilograms to 20% purity, according to Grossi.
The IAEA chief is heading to Tehran in February for a “much-needed political dialogue” despite the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a nuclear deal signed with Iran in 2015, being “in a very bad shape,” he said.

International Atomic Energy Agency chief Rafael Grossi


Grossi described the JCPOA as “an empty shell,” saying diplomatic activity linked to reviving the 2015 nuclear deal is close to non-existent.

“Nobody has declared it dead, but no obligation is being pursued, and … every limit that existed in the JCPOA has been violated several times,” Grossi said.]
On Tuesday, Grossi said that the move left his agency “blind” on several aspects, including how much material, equipment, and centrifuges currently exist.
Grossi’s planned visit was confirmed by Mohammad Eslami, the head of Iran’s atomic agency, who said Tehran is expecting a visit from the IAEA chief, Fars news agency reported on Wednesday.

The decline in attempts to revive the deal has come at a time of increased tensions between the US and Iran.

The European Union has mediated indirect talks between Washington and Tehran aimed at relaunching the nuclear deal, but negotiations stalled after the Iranian government demanded further guarantees.

The talks were then brought to a complete halt by nationwide protests in Iran following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Jina Amini in September.


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