9 |Jan.| 2023 -London

Edit by: Adam Alan

    Spare is a new book that was published for prince Harry, causing huge excitement inside media and social websites.

  With a new declaration by Prince Harry in an interview announcing his book spare, rose up, again and again, the criticism against him as his book speaks about his life with the royal family,

and of course, his mother Princess Diana will join the events strongly.

Prince Harry affirmed during his interview with 60 Minutes TV program that he didn't hurt the family inside the book.
"I have never 'intended to hurt my family with 'Spare' "
Prince Harry says

But on the other side prince, Harry's declaration evoked the anger of the royal family ...Since his controversial royal family exit, Prince Harry has become gradually more open when it comes to sharing a part of his life's story.
His most recent efforts include a Netflix docu-series, high-profile interviews with Oprah Winfrey and Anderson Cooper, and now the book "Spare" which was published in a frank, tell-all memoir, ( get out Tuesday).


of course, the prince evoked excitement in the media, the matter put the royal family in an embarrassing mode.
so the prince has received criticism — for being a "hypocrite" amid his requests for privacy after his resignation and for being "disrespectful" to his royal family's private life by airing these matters to the public.
"I will sit here and speak truth to you with the words that come out of my mouth, rather than using someone else, an unnamed source, to feed in lies or a narrative to a tabloid media that literally radicalizes its readers to then potentially cause harm to my family, my wife, my kids," Harry said in a "60 Minutes" interview with Anderson Cooper Sunday.

"Every time I ventured a new explanation, started a new line of thought, one or both of them would cut me off," he writes. "Willy in particular didn't want to hear anything. After he'd shut me down several times, he and I began sniping, saying some of the same things we'd said for months – years. It got so heated that Pa raised his hands. Enough!

"He stood between us, looking up at our flushed faces. Please, boys – don't make my final years a misery."

prince Harry added in spare:
"Harry remembers William, whom he calls "my beloved brother, my arch nemesis," and his father saying they "honestly" didn't know why Harry left.

"If they didn't know why I'd left, maybe they just didn't know me. At all. And maybe they never really did. … How can I tell them? I can't. It would take too long. Besides, they're clearly not in the right frame of mind to listen. Not now, anyway. Not today. And so: Pa? Willy? World? Here you go."
The royal family referred to Harry as 'The Spare'
"The Heir and the Spare" is an old term referring to aristocratic families in which the first-born child is the heir to inherit the throne, while the second-born is the leftover child there to support their older sibling.

As Harry writes, it wasn't just a turn of phrase used by media and palace outsiders – his own family, including Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Charles, and Princess Diana referred to him as such.

"There was no judgment about it, but also no ambiguity," he writes. "I was in the shadow, the support, the Plan B. I was brought into the world in case something happened to Willy. I was summoned to provide backup, distraction, diversion, and, if necessary, a spare party. Kidney, perhaps. Blood transfusion. Speck of bone marrow. This was all made explicitly clear to me from the start of life's journey and regularly reinforced thereafter."

When Harry was 20, he recalls, he was told that his father joked to his mother on the day of his birth that she had given the future king an heir and a spare. "My work is done," he said.


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