Just follow your astral prediction for your day, and may it leads you to the right decision.

edited by | julia graham
astrology section
31 MAY 2031


You may need to set firm boundaries this morning, dear Libra, as the moon and Venus square off overhead. Though drawing lines can make a people-pleaser like you uncomfortable, it would be a mistake to sacrifice your needs right now. Disorganization could cause you to feel exhausted or overwhelmed this afternoon when Neptune becomes active in your solar sixth house, though finding the motivation to tidy up or tend to your needs could feel like a tall order. Luckily, you'll have a chance to reset and unwind as the moon enters Scorpio, bringing forth a grounding and luxurious energy.


Turn to your higher power for comfort this morning, dearest Scorpio, or a harsh connection between the Libra moon and Venus may cause you to hide under the covers. Inspired ideas will flood your psyche this afternoon when Neptune becomes active overhead, though these moments of brilliance can slip away if you don't take steps to capture them in the moment, so be sure to take notes and follow through on such whims. You'll begin to perk up as evening rolls in and the moon enters your sign, elevating your aura and popularity throughout the next two days.


Your social media pages may feel more negative than positive this morning, dear Sagittarius, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. Avoid investing in unproductive arguments or exchanges, as doing so could throw off the bulk of your day. Give yourself permission to take it easy as Neptune becomes active this afternoon, encouraging you to drift away and escape into the comfort of your own home. Privacy will become a priority as evening settles in and the moon enters Scorpio. However, a harsh connection to Pluto could make it difficult to escape social engagements or important conversations.

You may feel as though romantic and professional commitments have left you stretched thin, dear Capricorn, due to a harsh connection between the Libra moon and Venus. Remember that it's okay to prioritize your sense of personal harmony, even if doing so temporarily disappoints those around you. Watch out for lies and deception this evening when Neptune becomes active in your solar third house, and you should avoid speaking anything but the truth. You'll be drawn to your social media feeds as the moon enters Scorpio this evening, though a harsh connection to Pluto could cause you to disconnect from the present.


A disconnect between your dreams and what's practical could bring trouble your way this morning, dear Aquarius, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. While it's certainly important to reach for the stars, disorganization could cause you to feel stretched thin, preventing you from reaching your highest potential. Watch your spending this afternoon when Neptune becomes active overhead, as it would be easy to overlook upcoming expenses. The vibe will shift as evening rolls in and the moon enters Scorpio, putting you in a more responsible and success-oriented mood throughout the next two days, though you'll need to maintain a healthy sense of empowerment.


Watch out for jealous or possessive behaviors within yourself and others this morning, dearest Fishy, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. Positive affirmations can help you overcome self-doubt, though you should avoid relying on others for validation. Watch out for false friendliness this afternoon when Neptune becomes active overhead, especially if a competitor is acting uncharacteristically pleasant. The stars will rally to elevate your aura as evening settles in and the moon enters Scorpio, bringing out your mystical side throughout the next two days. Unfortunately, self-doubt could cause you to question your manifestation skills, especially if you allow failures from the past to conjure new fears.


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