Just follow your astral prediction for your day, and may it leads you to the right decision.

edited by | julia graham
astrology section
31 MAY 2031

The Libra moon forms a harsh square with Venus this morning, dearest Ram, which could cause your emotions to feel more raw than usual. Wonky vibes will continue to flow when Neptune becomes active overhead, marking the perfect excuse to lay low. Luckily, you'll have a chance to reset this evening when Luna migrates into transformative Scorpio. However, a harsh connection to Pluto might bring forth unforeseen obstacles or emotional upsets. Lucky energy will find you this evening when Luna faces off with Jupiter and the North Node, though you'll want to move slowly if any opportunities seem too good to be true.


May 31, 2023
The Libra moon squares off with Venus this morning, dearest Bull, making it important that you watch your thoughts and words. Avoid the temptation to doomscroll your social media feeds this afternoon when Neptune becomes active overhead, especially if you have responsibilities that still need handling. A breath of cosmic fresh air will find you as evening rolls in and Luna migrates into Scorpio, encouraging you to open your heart to love. Unfortunately, a harsh energy from Pluto could bring drama to your professional sphere, but try not to get wrapped up in issues that don't belong to you.



You may feel slightly unsteady this morning, dear Gemini, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. Do your best to tap into your gratitude while finding ways to reinforce yourself. Boundaries will blur this afternoon when Luna faces off with Neptune, and standing firm in your disposition could feel more exhausting than usual. You'll sense a shift as evening rolls around and the moon enters Scorpio, providing you with an opportunity to reground while shaking off any funk that found you earlier in the day. Plan on doing something nice for your body later tonight, and be sure to eat a well-balanced meal.


Your emotions may feel strained this morning, dearest Cancer, due to a harsh connection between the Libra moon and Venus. Try not to take your frustrations out on those around you, especially where significant others are concerned. Carve out some time for meditation this afternoon when Neptune becomes active in the spiritual sector of your chart, allowing your stress and fears to melt away. You'll feel more elevated and playful as evening rolls around and the moon migrates into Scorpio, marking the perfect excuse to go out to dinner with your bestie, though you'll want to avoid tense power dynamics.


You might not feel very social or warm when you awaken this morning, sweet Lion, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. Consider prioritizing solitude over socializing, as your psyche is likely in need of a break. Miscommunications or confusion could manifest this afternoon when Neptune becomes active overhead, but try not to let a stubborn disposition prevent you from moving forward. The vibe will shift as evening rolls around and the moon enters Scorpio, putting you in a nurturing mood that's perfect for home-cooked meals and cozy couch cuddles, though you'll want to be on guard for tension within your love life.


Try not to let your electronic devices take you away from the present this morning, darling Virgo, as the Libra moon squares off with Venus. Combat these wonky vibes by tapping into your gratitude and taking care to acknowledge the beauty around you. A romantic yet hazy energy will permeate the air this afternoon when Neptune becomes active in the sector of your chart that governs love. However, you'll want to stay on guard when it comes to any companions with a history of lying. Plan on socializing a bit this evening as the moon enters Scorpio, opening the cosmic doors to meaningful conversation.


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