Just follow your astral prediction for your day, and may it leads you to the right decision.

edited by | julia graham
astrology section
23 May 2023 - London


The Cancer moon cozies up with Venus, your planetary ruler this morning, dearest Libra, bringing sweet yet serious energy to the table. These vibes are perfect for charming colleagues and getting ahead in your career, so be sure to lay on that charisma extra thick. Just remember to remain authentic at a core level when Luna and Chiron square off, or your efforts to be personal could come off as disingenuous. A buzz will fill the air when Uranus becomes active this afternoon, inspiring you to finally break free from bad habits or restraints that have been slowing you down.


The other side will send you some extra sparkle this morning, dear Scorpio, as the Cancer moon cozies up to harmonious Venus in your solar ninth house. Just try not to let real-world problems take away from these dreamy vibes, and find a way to maintain optimism while tackling your agenda for the day. You may see some excitement in your love life when Uranus becomes active this afternoon, and sparks will fly easily when you're in the presence of kindred spirits. Plan on devoting some time to mediation before the day comes to a close, thanking the universe for its support.


Nothing will hold you back from your truest potential today, dear Archer, except perhaps yourself. As the Cancer Moon connects with Venus and Chiron, you'll be asked to outgrow the more restrictive elements of your ego in order to evolve toward a higher path. Allow problems you'd rather not hold onto to roll off your back, but please do so responsibly. Implementing change will seem like an exciting prospect when Uranus becomes active this afternoon, especially when your goals can lead to a more well-rounded and healthy lifestyle. Consider ending your day with a hot cleansing salt bath, clearing your aura or stagnant energy.


A sweet and loving energy will wash over you this morning, dear Capricorn, as the Cancer moon and Venus cozy up in the sector of your chart that governs matters of the heart. Use this energy to love fully, giving affection freely to the people you care for most, but be sure to save some TLC for yourself. Unforutanley, your emotions could take a turn when Luna squares off with Chiron, so be sure to nurture your heart. Creative energy will find you when Uranus becomes active this afternoon, asking you to fly your freak flag proudly.


The stars will request that you treat your body nicely this morning, dear Aquarius, as the Cancer moon cozies up with Venus. Do yourself a favor and chug some extra water before downing a healthy breakfast, as your body will require good fuel to operate at full capacity. Unfortunately, a square between Luna and Chiron could ruffle these good vibes, so try not to talk yourself out of choosing wellness. Excitement will fill your heart and home when Uranus becomes active this afternoon, marking the perfect excuse to throw an impromptu dance party or break free from your traditional activities.


Allow your creative mind to lead you this morning, dear Pisces, as the Cancer moon cozies up with Venus. These vibes are also poised to elevate your ego, and amplifying your aesthetic with some dramatic statement pieces can push your aura to the next level. Just try not to rely on positive reinforcement when Luna squares off with Chiron, dressing up for only yourself to avoid disappointment if people aren't in the mood to dish out compliments. Exciting news could land on your ears when Uranus becomes active this afternoon, and be sure to note any brilliant ideas that pop into your head.

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